

New Member
May 4, 2004
It's driving me nuts! Back in my youth (about twelve or so years ago), while browsing my local comic shop (which is sadly no more) I came across a comic featuring a bizarre group of 'heros'. I believe it was a team of three, a strange half man half goat that seemed to be made of metal, a woman dressed in rubber that could heal her wounds instantly (and seemd to enjoy the pain) and a guy dressed in black (wearing Fila trainers, dunno why I remember that) that floated around and had brain exploding telepathic powers. It was quite violent but I have no idea what it was called, who published it, the name of the characters, just what little fragments I've mentioned above. I'm desperate to track it down if only to satisfy my curiosity (why I remember this comic out of hundreds I read as a young punk I've no idea). Any help would be greatly appreciated, cheers.

Sorry I'm of no use - I've only read a few Archie comics in my entire lifetime and besides the little bits of info I've picked up from the members of this board, I know absolutely nothing about them. Hopefully some of the other fans here will be able to recognize what you are looking for. Welcome to the forum, btw!
same here. i've read comics since about 1960--including the underground comix of the 60's & 70's--and i've never heard of this one. sounds like a kinky version of the first Doom Patrol. Was it a European comic?
I think it was probably European, but I can't be certain. I might look up some Doom Patrol back issues and see if they ring any bells!
I was thinking perhaps Doom Patrol as well - namely under Grant Morrison, but the details are not quite right.

I'll post a pic from one of the cover issues, and see if that helps:


  • doompatrol.jpg
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Well, as I understand it, you can get a comic on just about any subject matter... Usually if you are wanting to reach most sections of society... :D

Given that there are some people who read nothing but comics, seems a good ploy!!! ;)

Seems like a good challenge - Find the most bizarre comic subject matter...

(I like the Uber-Sheep idea)

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