Damn, channel 7.... once again


Aussies RULE the world
Aug 27, 2000
What are they trying to do to us now? BORE US TO DEATH.... no wait they already have with Hearthbeat.

Not only do we now only receive one episode of Heartbeat (which was previusly cut down from two eps) BUT we also receive REPEATS of "KAVANAGH (*******) QC" at 9:40.

take me out of this hellish planet to a place where i can receive Stargate 24/7
You poor thing! I suggest doing something nasty to C7. Then again, I always suggest doing something nasty to C7. Oh well,you go with what you know.
The offer still stands, and I can find someone to tape SG-1 for you.
Are you getting Dark Angel to (almost) make up for this crime against humanity, or whatever species live in SA?
God, I really feel for you and the other SA's Marty. That totally sucks.
don't worry squire!! WE WILL WIN!!! even if we don't i'll copy you all the eps :) have a good trip back :)
Those evil messengers of Satan himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel very sorry for you Marty, I really do.
I suggest...
1. Sending a death threat everyday until something is done.
2. Sending out a internet message to every Ascifi Australian, and any other fans and organising a huge human protest against the unfair dismissal, or withdrawl or whatever of Stargate.
3. Tell them Osama bin Laden is your second cousin. (But make your demands known FIRST!)
4. And if that doesn't work...go buy some cookie dough icecream (think of me while you eat it.) and watch a few Stargate videos sent from your friends in NSW who will send them to you at the drop of a hat! (Just tell me which ones, and I might have them) Actually, while I was away I have 5 episodes on tape, they are later season four. Just tell me if you want them!
thankyou, Heartbeat will hopefully finish in a month and then we will see if they put on stargate (i wonder if channel 7 are timing it to end with SG s4 so they can put oon another show?)
dunno...this is really weird for channel 7 adelaide to be doing this. Remeber marty you also have to allow 1 extra week for the 2 hour Dark Angel pilot episode.
TYPICAL!! And then knowing my luck, DA will rate heaps well, and theyll play double episodes every week, and forget about this little show called Stargate SG-1 altogether :crying:
haha probably, but from the sounds of it. DA sounds pretty cool!
I havent really heard much or read much about it.
But you know whatll happen? They put it on, itll be heaps good, then theyll take it off for no reason heheheh
they will cut it off half way trhough season one, and then while the resyt of australia receives it thay will put on s11 of heartbeat.

do u realise squire we went from foothold to nemesis? how sh*t is that
Yeah, I reckon! I DIED when they did that! I couldnt believe it! And then to make it finish even quicker, they put Crystal Skull and Nemesis on together!

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