Did DS9 spend to much time covering the Dominion War?


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
I say no....it was perfect how they covered theat arc.

anyone agree?
i don't know - b/c i don't know what they did - i got bored w/ it and stopped watching for a while -- then picked it up again a bit b4 the end of the series --- however - i don't know if i was bored w/ the Dominion War, or DS9 itself -- hard to say ---
(tho, in my defense the damn show came on at like 0100 on Sunday - kind of a stupid airtime for a ST show) --

however, if given the chance to crawl through the eps again, i'd probably stick around and watch the whole thing --- just to see what happened --
Originally posted by Highlander II
i don't know - b/c i don't know what they did - i got bored w/ it and stopped watching for a while -- then picked it up again a bit b4 the end of the series --- however - i don't know if i was bored w/ the Dominion War, or DS9 itself -- hard to say ---
(tho, in my defense the damn show came on at like 0100 on Sunday - kind of a stupid airtime for a ST show) --

however, if given the chance to crawl through the eps again, i'd probably stick around and watch the whole thing --- just to see what happened --

I cant believe you got bored..... arrrhhhh
yes - i got bored - i didn't like the Dominion War storyline to begin with - and was annoyed that it just kept going --- most of the time i get bored w/ storylines that take longer than about 3 eps to resolve - unless they're REALLY interesting (and they're usually not) ---
I got bored with that storyline, too. It went on way too long and lost it's focus. I stopped watching during that time for a variety of reasons. And I was always glad to see episodes dealing with something else.

I didn't think the whole Dominion story arc was necessary. Just used to pick up the ratings. Some of the eps were good and I admit at times it was very intriguing. But I think it lost focus and just drug on too long.

And I got really bored with so many Cardassian centered episodes. And the whatever their names are (durn memory) soldiers addicted to the ketracel white. And Weyoung and his people and even Odo's people.

I don't know....I would just rather have seen DS9 go in some different directions as well.

Okay, that was way more than I meant to say!

yeah, i think near the begining, in a few eps, the Dominion thing was a little boring but i didn't stop watching it! And glad too, it picked up really well. :D
i agree - w/ Aing-Tii -- it was boring - (i've already said that) -- and really, how interesting can a war be?? 3 or 4 eps would have been fine, but i think it lasted much more than that - like 1/2 the season ---

perhaps if it had been a war of intelligence or something, it might have been more interesting - but i don't wanna see 12 eps of the Defiant running off to blast something away -- (and i can't tell ya if this is what happened or not, b/c i didn't watch much of that segment) --

some of the Cardassian storylines were good - like some of the stuff about Garak (b/c he's just so much fun!) --- but there was too much about the 'Founders' - and not so much actual 'delving' into Odo - what about Odo - the 'man' (as it were) - not - his annoying ppl --- Odo - what does he do on an average day? what's he like? and, aside from his obsession w/ Kira, what does he find attractive in a mate? what does he like to do? we know he's the security chief, but he must do other things too - more of the 'relationship' w/ Abassador Troi would have been amusing too - those two were so funny!

i didn't like Weyoun - he was annoying --- and the Jem-H'dar - ugh -- you can only take so much of them - i thought the show was DS9 not all the alien races and their troubles on the other side of the wormhole --

btw - is there anything in the Delta Quadrant besides the Founders and the Jem H'dar?? (been a while since i've watched)
Originally posted by Highlander II
btw - is there anything in the Delta Quadrant besides the Founders and the Jem H'dar?? (been a while since i've watched)

We saw lots of alien races in the first 3 seasons, all apparently runing away from the Dominion. Later, we only saw Founders and Jem'Haddar.

I don't think that they did dwell on the Dominion war too much. Between two seasons about 4 months went on without any comment, and the 'war' stories they did were very good "The Seige of AR-558". There were plenty of other stories there too, but I liked the 'arc' stories best, sorry!
I do like the arc storys... something to look forward to
Originally posted by Highlander II
btw - is there anything in the Delta Quadrant besides the Founders and the Jem H'dar?? (been a while since i've watched)

ummmmm...I thought the Founders and Jem H'dar were from the Gama Quadrant?
yeah - i meant the Gamma Quadrant --

get some of 'em confused --

btw - while we're on the subject - what's in the Beta Quadrant???
Originally posted by Neo
SPACE !!!!!!!!

Ha Ha B***** Ha!

Earth supposedly is in the Alpha Quadrant, but very near to the border with Klingon space which is predominantly in the Beta Quadrant. You can buy maps of the four quadrants, but IMHO they are rubbish. They are all 2 dimensional, now I realise that the Milky Way is almost in one plane, but there is a lot of material quite a long way above and below this line, and you cannot rely on a 2D map to get around.

I think that Ferengar may also be in the Beta Quadrant. Does anyone know please?
Tell me if I'm wrong, but I understood that Tholian Space and Breen Space was also in that direction.

What confuses me is that if Ferengi and Breen Space are in one direction, and Bajor and Cardassia in another, how do Quark and Co. travel home so quickly (several episodes) in a shuttle, and how to the Breen cross through our space to form an alliance with Cardassia and the Dominion?
well - why don't the just make it complicated? <sarcasm> hehe

oh - and Neo, that ws quite funny! very helpful too -- ;)

okay new question -- why is Earth the only M-class planet in the Alpha quadrant -- better yet - why is it the only planet we know anything about in the Alpha Quad? or are any of the other 'federation' or other planets in the alpha quad?? b/c to me it would seem quite odd that Earth was the only 'habitable' planet in the entire alpha quad ---

esp since there are hundreds, maybe thousands of worlds (mentioned all over the Trek universe) ---
Originally posted by Highlander II
-- why is Earth the only M-class planet in the Alpha quadrant -- better yet - why is it the only planet we know anything about in the Alpha Quad? or are any of the other 'federation' or other planets in the alpha quad?? --

Where did you get that impression? Earth, Vulcan, Romulus and Remus, Andor they are all in the Alpha Quadrant. The whole of Kirk's five year mission was meant to be inside the alpha quadrant. Bajor and Cardassia are in the alpha quadrant and most of the TNG missions would be in it.

And Menshara class planets -- almost every planet is an M-class planet. Do you ever see them in space suits? (apart from Enterprise which seems to want to belated fix this problem)

One more thing -- where are all the plants? These planets have 20% Oxygen atmospheres. Without plants Earth would be 0% Oxygen, yet these M-class planets are all rocks and deserts!
I would say by the end of season two DS9 was dead on its feet. There are only so many things you can do waiting for crinkle headed aliens to come to you and they had done them all. It needed something to hang over it.

A war is good a way as any, as they can come and go for as long as you want. Excellent if you can't chase it around.

It also introduced a revolutionary idea to Star Trek, 'Continuity'. Not a lot of it, I admit, and they lost it totally again for Voyager, but who knows it might reappear again one day.
It wasn't just visiting aliens with big foreheads and nosepieces. They had done the Bajoran political and religious stuff, and had a failed coup d'etat. But as you say, that alone couldn't sustain another five years of episodes.

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