Just a word of warning...


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2001
Most every site you'll find regarding DBZ will have a power level list for at least part of the series. Each and every one of these lists are 100% fake, and are nothing more than guesses and opinions by fans.

90% of all PLs are given in the Saya-jin saga. The only PLs ever given on Namek are Vegeta's 24000, and Goku's 180,000. The last PL ever to be given is Trunks' 5.

...just wanted everyone to know that any/all PL lists are pure crap.
not totaly true

the guy that made it relased an offical set of power levels for every thing until the buu saga But If you check my site you'll fined there are almost right
Re: not totaly true

Originally posted by Asgard
the guy that made it relased an offical set of power levels for every thing until the buu saga But If you check my site you'll fined there are almost right

No, he didn't. Toryama didn't see PLs as important, so he stopped putting them in. The only PLs that are ever given are directly stated in the manga. Anything else is 100% fan made guesses.

...maybe the list you're talking about was promoted as being official, but then so was "Dragonball AF" and look how real that is.

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