Spike's Chip and Tara the Demon


Active Member
Oct 27, 2001
After Spike was chipped, he got a headache for pointing a gun at Xander. I assume that the pain came because he intended to pull the trigger. Xander then told him that it was a replica gun.

So Spike got a headache because he THOUGHT the gun was real, even though it was actually harmless.

In "Family" Spike tried to use the chip to find out if Tara might be a demon. He punched her and got a headache. But all that proved is that Spike believed Tara to be fully human.

Spike: There's no demon in there. That's just a family legend, am I right? Just a bit of spin to keep the ladies in line. Oh, you're a piece of work. I like you.

Thanks for the quote, Maria.

Tara's family then shuffled out, looking embarrassed. But I would like to point out that nothing was actually proved - maybe the wishy washy Tara is actually a demon. An interesting thought, anyway.
Hi Varna and welcome :)

****Spoiler for season 5's "Family"***

Varna if you also remember in that episode Tara cast a spell on the scooby gang to hide any form of demon from them. They couldnt see the demons (Spike included) but they could see Tara. So actually that proved in itself that she wasnt, isnt, demon!!
Originally posted by Spike's Mine
Hi Varna and welcome :)

****Spoiler for season 5's "Family"***

Varna if you also remember in that episode Tara cast a spell on the scooby gang to hide any form of demon from them. They couldnt see the demons (Spike included) but they could see Tara. So actually that proved in itself that she wasnt, isnt, demon!!

Good point, and better proof than Spike's punch on the nose. But when Tara cast the spell, she expected it to hide her demon self, not her whole self. Therefore she expected to be seen as human, but to have her demon-self hidden.

Maybe that's not how the spell would have worked, but it's what Tara aimed for, and I am assuming that she was right. Spike not being seen was part of the running joke that Buffy never gave him credit for the times he tried to help her, and I assume that the reasoning is that Spike is a demon in a magical, dead body.

To rise from the grave, vampires have to get out of sealed coffins, and they do this, then dig up through 6 foot of soil. They do not show up in mirrors. They POOF when killed, even if their body has only been dead for hours. So there is something supernatural about their bodies, unlike Tara's, which was (she thought) a human body concealing a part-demon self.
Tara is human, your clutching at nothing here, Joss has given us the evidence and doesn't expect it to be questioned. You could find a way for everything in the whole show to be a lie, but Joss doesn't do that because then you would never trust anything was the truth on the show.
sorry Varna i have to agree with Vampyre here!! Joss hs kinda given us evry thing we needed 2 no! sorry!
my take on the gun thing was Spike's 'intentions' - not his 'thoughts' --

he was 'intending' to shoot Xander w/ the gun - so, the chip activated -- the chip doesn't know that the gun isn't real -- it only knows when Spike intends to do bodily/physical harm --

(for more proof on this see season 5 ep: "Fool For Love" - Spike explains how the chip works)

so - when he hit Tara - he 'intended' to hurt her - and the chip activated - therefore, Tara must be 100% human -- or the chip wouldn't activate ----

does that help?
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