Would u like to see Dr Who back on TV


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
Would u like to see Dr Who back on TV

If they can find a believable Doctor (Sorry Peter Davidson did nothing for me, come back Pertwee), spend a little money for a good story and avoid Americanising it like they did in the film.
how could you not like peter davidson! :mad: he gave the doctor a new lease on life......you can't have them all being the same.....it wouldn't have lasted half as long as it did if all the doctors had been the same

Nothing against Peter Davidson parsee, he is an extremely good actor. He would have been a good Doctor if the stories, direction and his character matched. But the whole series went through something of an identity crisis.

The stories tried to become stronger, yet the productions tried to become more 'camp' in a desperate attempt to make them appeal to the American market. Davidson is at his best portraying a light and breezy chap. All very confusing.

It was almost fixed at the end when things started to come together again with Sylvester McCoy
Davidson was reasonable compared to Colin Baker, he killed it off, so that not even Sylvester McCoy could save it.

I would say that I stopped watching it during the Colin Baker years because he was so bad, but actually it was studying, and lack of a TV really.

If it was on again it would have to be brought up to date. Unfortunately, that usually means state of the art special effects. Science Fiction has always been expensive to make. That is probably why the BBC has made so little of it.

If they could make sure the stories were good, I could stand the wobbly sets, I watched 'Blake's Seven' for enough years!
Is there any talk of it coming back to TV? I hope so. I've only heard movie rumors... and weak ones at that.
In a word, would I love the DOCTOR to return - YES!

My favourite doctors were/are JON PERTWEE/TOM BAKER!

Agree, Peter although a good actor (aka All Creatures Great And Small etc), but was somehow just not quite right as the Doctor!

Colin was not too bad - he had poor material and wasn't given a proper chance before they mucked the show up by taking it off-air for over a year!

Sylvester (the stories just got more comic/camp - although we watched from episode 1 (23/11/63 to the last episode of the show in 1989 - we basically by the end only watched out of loyalty not, so much for enjoyment!) Like Sylvester, met him after seeing a play (Having A Ball - in which he was in the nude for part of the play - being on the subject of vasectomy, etc), so try keeping a straight face then when asking him for his autograph - boy was it difficult, but somehow we managed it!

Infact, have liked all the actors in the role for different reasons - and have been lucking to see all in the flesh (except sadly for William Hartnell - who started the whole ball rolling!)

The BBC keep saying they haven't axed the show - yet at the same time won't bring it back. Instead prefer to bring out more and more expensive DW merchandise to get money out of us fans - who they know still care for the show!

(Strange that during the whole 26 years of the show we got less merchandise than we do now - yet for a show not on air - its weird the BBC are celebrating it's 40th Anniversary?)

Like Blake's 7 - Dr. Who is a thorn in the side of dear old Antie Beeb - in that the fans refuse to go awy, lie down or let their favourite shows stay unremembered!)