Ensign Travis Mayweather


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
Helmsman. Mid-twenties. A unique product of 22nd Century life, Mayweather was raised on a long-range transport vessel. "I was born and conceived during a two-year run somewhere between Alpha Centauri and Arcturis Prime." As a result, Travis is more 'interstellar' than even the Captain. He's travelled to dozens of planets and met many different alien species. He even had a Terrelian girlfriend at one point, which fascinates Charlie Tucker to no end.

Mayweather knows the best place on a ship to watch the stars rush by, or feel the vibrations from a passing pulsar. He prefers to sleep in a 'zero-g' environment. Every night before he goes to bed, he deactivates the gravity plating in his quarters, and his cocoon-like hammock floats up on its tether. Mayweather will prove to be a valued member of the crew, a talented pilot with an 'instinct' for space-travel that few humans possess. This will help Captain Archer through situations where intellect and protocol alone won't suffice.
"Our helmsman, Travis Mayweather, is what we call a 'space boomer'," Rick Berman told US TV Guide. "he was born in space, to parnts who worked in freighters and transport vessels; and even though he is the youngest of the regular characters, he has logged more space time than anybody on the ship."
he was rather prominent in the most recent episode - "Detained" - it was nice to see someone else on an away mission -- not always the same guys each time --- (well, if it was an away mission)

i like this character --

as a matter of fact - i like all the characters so far -- T'Pol still bothers me a little, but not so much as before --

i'm hoping we get more character development on Ent than we did in some of the other series --- it's nice to know where the characters are 'coming from' --
Supposedly, but he didn't get very much airtime in Season 3. He did have a couple of good episodes in Season 2. 'Horizon' and 'The Breach' are Travis episodes if you want to see him in action. It's a shame when they assemble a cast of good actors, then fail to give some of them any lines.
Thanks Dave for answering me, I just wonder if he was still on the show. Everytime I tune-in to watch, I hardly see him!

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