Movie Trivia!!

Sage Orion

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2004
In A Castle
:rolleyes: This is for all you movie fans out there!!!

The game is..... Name that Actor/actress & Name that Movie!

I will give you for ex: Name that Movie!!
Qoute: " You jump, I jump right?"
Hint: Ship
Answer: Titanic

Ready to play????

Name that Actor!
Quote: " I want a picture of SpiderMan and a decent one
at that!"
Who said this quote??
J Jonah Jameson?



[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]"Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, and why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, so grant me this one request. Grant me revenge! [/font] [font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif] And if you do not listen, the HELL with you!"[/font]
Now that would have to be Conan the Cimmerian, by Crom.

Ok, who said this: 'It all depends... When do you want to die? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? That's about as long as I'll wait.'

(The character's nick-name will do).
Hey......stick to the first question!!

Name that Actor:
Here's a different quote......
Who said this: " Hey....there's a bomb on the bus...." ?
The Bride (Beatrix Kiddo?) and Keanu Reeves? Maybe Sandra Bullock.

Name the character:
"I bring scientists. You bring a rock star."
That's alright!

Actually the answer was Dennis Hopper in Speed!
(There's a bomb on the bus....)

Anyhow........ I guess this game is going nowhere....
but its kinda funny!! Haha!
John Hammond, Jurassic Park?

How about this one (name character/actor+film):

'Okay, What am I doing?...I'm chasing this guy...Nope, he's chasing me.'
How about we do it this way so it's organized, we make a list of everyone who wants to play. When it is each of there turn a question is asked (we can maek categories and so on) if they get it right they get another question, if they get it wrong it goes to the next person. I've played this before though it was Lord of The Rings Trivial Pursuit and the perosn wpicked a colour and that colour would be something liek Good Guys...Anyone interested?
tonic said:
How about we do it this way so it's organized, we make a list of everyone who wants to play. When it is each of there turn a question is asked (we can maek categories and so on) if they get it right they get another question, if they get it wrong it goes to the next person. I've played this before though it was Lord of The Rings Trivial Pursuit and the perosn wpicked a colour and that colour would be something liek Good Guys...Anyone interested?
Cool! I'm in! All though I tried to start it where I asked the questions
and people would guess.
But well do it that way!:cool:
Tonic: that sounds like a slightly more complex version of what we generally play, and yet none the better for being so. I think the best way would be to continue in the usual vein, whereby the person who guesses correctly continues the game-in event of two or more guesses whoever asks the question picks and all continues smoothly, no need for fancy rules:)
Re: Movie Trivia

Juan Villa-Lobos Ramirez. Thats all that I can think of... so I'll post a question and if I'm wrong, *shrugs* you can ignore it and post a replacement question :p
What is the name of the link between the Princess Bride and Robin Hood: Men in Tights?
Re: Movie Trivia

Are you talking about Cary Elwes??? Robin Hood (who can do an English accent - allegedly) and Westley (and whatever the pirate name he used)...

If we are answering and then posting questions:

Here are two, a difficult one and a fairly easy one...

HARD: "I'm here in case you succeed!" is a quote from which Sci-Fi movie... I want the name of the film, the characters name and the actor's name...

EASY: In which Fantasy film are there two characters called Seth and Nathaniel Messinger who "fell"???
Re: Movie Trivia

Answer to the easy question: City of Angels, Seth was played by Nicholas Cage.

Funny thing: I watched that film yesterday evening on France 2...

Whoever answers the hard question, may post the next one...

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