1.15 : Shadows of P'Jem.


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
Shadows of P'Jem.. SPOLIERS

Episode Title: 'Shadows of P'Jem'
Episode Number: 115
Original Airdate: February 06, 2002

Andre Bormanis: "The Andorians were such great characters, you can count on seeing them again. As far as how our relationship with them will change in the future, that's something that we'll discover as we continue writing new episodes for these characters."

Jeffrey Combs: "Basically, it's another hostage situation where the captain gets himself on another planet and gets himself caught in the crossfire of a civil war. It's not a good situation, and basically we are the cavalry coming over the hill. We show up at the opportune moment and help them, and extradite the captain out of the situation."
this episode was nicely done --

i liked it --

not a lot of action - kind of simple - but well done --

the scene w/ Archer and T'Pol trying to get out of their restraints was funny ---

and Trip taking charge and not taking anything from that Vulcan captain (or whatever he was) -- very nice touch! go Trip!

and - at the very beginning -- Gary Graham was Soval (the vulcan guy who was kind of annoying) -- recognized him from JAG

and Jeff Kober (Traeg in this ep) -- was the psycho vampire from BTVS: "Helpless" & was aslo on JAG --

(yeah - i have this knack for picking up on these things -- old habits die hard, if at all)
Enjoyed this episode. Loved T'Pol trying to protect her Captain. Then saving the Vulcan commander.

One of my favorite scenes was when Phlox and Archer tell the Vulcan that she can't be moved and then after he leaves they wake her up. Phlox telling her she has to stay put and then just love when Archer says to her that she can still catch the Vulcan. "it would be against my Doctors orders"

She sure manages to twist things to fit when she wants to.
Originally posted by Highlander II
this episode was nicely done --

i liked it --

not a lot of action - kind of simple - but well done --

the scene w/ Archer and T'Pol trying to get out of their restraints was funny ---

and Trip taking charge and not taking anything from that Vulcan captain (or whatever he was) -- very nice touch! go Trip!

Loved the bit where they tried to get out of the restraint and he ended up lying on top of t'pol.... Trip does get annoyed quickly though....
My favourite episode yet. These Vulcan's aren't a bit like the later Vulcans, and they're great. Since centuries separate Vulcans like T'Pol from Vulcans like Spock and Tuvok, there should be some differences. While many critics do not like the differences, they are realistic. The Andorians are very interesting too.

Great shots of San Fransisco at the very start.

I've read all the nits, like how could T'Pol not know about the raid on P'Jem from the Vulcans, being secretly reporting to them, but instead have to hear it from Archer. I still liked the episode.

I didn't catch when the Andorian raid on P'Jem was meant to have happened. One big bugbear with the critics is 'why did the Vulcans take so long to react to the raid?', but did it actually say this raid took place immediately after the events in 'The Andorian Incident'?

Connor Trinneer has said there are a few episodes where he is the centre of the action, and he wants more where he is in command. He gets both of those in this, and he comes over alright.
Archer and T'Pol explore interspecies dynamics in a new way when they are forced to wriggle out of ropes that bind them tightly together. "Did I enjoy it?" Bakula says. "Oh, sure. If you've got to be tied up with somebody, it might as well be her."
LOL... was very funny when he ended up o top of her ??? could there have been a chance of a kiss ????
This 'opportunity for close contact with T'Pol' each week is getting rather tiresome.

Brannon Braga and Rick Berman in conversation:

"We are making a radically different kind of Trek: No technobabble, well not as much; nothing at all technological works properly; much more humour; and best of all, lots and lots of sex..."

"Woah! Hold on right there... not too much sex, or we won't get a PG rating!"

"OK. So, we just make it look like it's possible, then change the subject quickly!"

"But, do make sure you always heavily promote that scene in the episode in the adverts for the show, so the fans tune in to watch it."

"Won't they be disappointed... you know, there actually being no substance to the promotional shots?"

"Who cares, as long as they tune in and we get high ratings?"
Originally posted by Dave
My favourite episode yet. These Vulcan's aren't a bit like the later Vulcans, and they're great. Since centuries separate Vulcans like T'Pol from Vulcans like Spock and Tuvok, there should be some differences. While many critics do not like the differences, they are realistic. The Andorians are very interesting too.

I've read all the nits, like how could T'Pol not know about the raid on P'Jem from the Vulcans, being secretly reporting to them, but instead have to hear it from Archer. I still liked the episode.

I didn't catch when the Andorian raid on P'Jem was meant to have happened. One big bugbear with the critics is 'why did the Vulcans take so long to react to the raid?', but did it actually say this raid took place immediately after the events in 'The Andorian Incident'?
I agree. Who needs lots of action and irritating plot twists, when something as simple as this works so well.

Not so sure about the Vulcans and their differences though. At present they are coming over more gunho than the Americans, with their 'We must teach them not to mistreat Vulcans' and even more sneaky. By TOS they have rolled over to be kicked.

T'Pot not hearing via her backdoor official channels is logical, especially if they have decided to blame her. She might develop another human habit and hide!

Time is always an illusion in Star Trek. But even in Earth politics, it takes time to find a way of easing egos to the best political effect and least damaging scapegoat.

But Enterprise is starting to show real signs of continuity now. They've remembered something that did not happen in the first episode! Wonder how long that will last for?
