Hobbit Family Trees.


Non Bio
Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Has anybody ever worked these out?

Frodo is Bilbo's nephew, but they are also first and second cousins. Frodo is (I think) Bilbo's sister's son, but he shares the same surname, so his father must have been a Baggins too. But Frodo is part Brandywine? Bilbo is unmarried and has no children, but has close relations who are Sackville-Baggins.

Confused yet? I know I am!!
Frodos father was Drogo Baggins and somebody Took - something odd like Jessabella i think
First and second cousin means that Bilbo's parent had another child who had Frodo. Second cousin means a parent of Bilbo had a child who had a child who had Frodo. Or Bilbo's grandparent had a child who had Frodo, isn't it? And Frodo was part Baggins part Brandybuck.....
so what was he a took or a brandybuck??!! Theres a moot going on here methnks!
Brandybuck. I read it nto so long ago. Which is why they were on a boat. Im sure of it.
In some editions of LOTr they have Family trees - has anyone got one like that?
Yes, sorry. I've looked in my copy and they do: Appendix C in mine.


Bilbo's parents were Bungo Baggins and Belladonna Took. Frodo's parents were Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck. I can see how they are second cousins now, but not nephew and uncle.
They call him 'nephew' don't they? And they refer to him as that cos of the age gap?
jessabella was close to Belladonna, but I got the wrong Hobbit!
Primula huh? Ick!:dead:
ooooooooo eeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sounds like a countdown puzzle to me !!!!!
Originally posted by Legolas
Frodos father was Drogo Baggins and somebody Took - something odd like Jessabella i think

Jessa!!!!!! sorry, got a bit carried away there:rolly2:
Originally posted by Neo
ooooooooo eeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Sounds like a countdown puzzle to me !!!!!

As in very hard to understand and get right...

Sorry to confuse

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