Charmed Round Robin


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
Okay i tend to be obsessed with fan fic and i've wanted to write something for ages, but lack of time and talent have prevented me from doing so.

So would anyone be interested in a round robin??
(of course if anyone just wants to write a whole fic - go right ahead :D)
Even with my severly limited knowledge of Charmed, I could have a go...
uuh a bit busy right now.....maybe later.

Someone else can go if they want.
oh ok then.i think of sometihng. i'll try anyway. how long are our bits meant to be?
i don't think there's any set length - as long as you're inspired, i guess. :D
ok i 'll find some inspiration. bu tnow i gotta watch BTVS on bbc2. see ya!
okay i'll start then - just a short piece.

She awoke with a scream. What an awful dream, the dear old woman thought. 'Three young ladies, quiet pretty, were being tortured in the most horrible way imaginable. She could still hear their screams in ringing in her ears. And odd phrases she didn't really understand: Girls who were charmed, with something or the other and a Book made of shadows?'

"One of the problems with a long life" she muttered absently mindly "the mind's the first to go." And then rolled over and went back to bed.
The Charmed sisters were in pain. A recent battle with a demon tired them out. so they oversleeped. it is unfortunite that day. Since Cole was up first and made Breakfast.
Unfortunately after spending all that time running from the Source, Cole's cooking skills had gotten a little rusty...........

The Sisters awoke to the smell of something burning. Something BIG!

Possible series 4 Spoiler (Not part of the Round Robin)




COLE IS LIVING WITH THE SISTERS!!!!!???!! Did you just write that for the sake of the fic or is it true??? eeeeeeeeehh! :D
well - guess i can give this a go - get it going again
spoiler not part of RR-->
and i think Cole is living with the Sisters - not sure exactly

Piper was the first to hit the kitchen, as she ran at a gallop, taking the stairs two at a time. "What *are* you doing, Cole? Trying to burn the house down?"

He turned around and eyed her casually, admiring her intriguing choice of nightclothes. "I was making breakfast. What were *you* doing?" he asked with a smirk.

not part of the RR, not really even a spoiler anymore :D
Yeah i think i got that now - thank Living for series 4 :D

And H2 - thank you sooooo much for reviving this poor thread :D

Just then Leo orbed down, wearing pyjama's and a night cap.
"Never mind" Cole muttered, turning back to his stove, juts in time to see the frying pan go up in flames.

Piper, frustrated with the whole scene, tried to freeze it, but in her haste and with emotions close to the surface, she blew it up instead. Right where Cole was standing.......................
"COLE!" Phoebe yelped, running to Cole's side, well, what she could see of it, waving the smoke away.

"Piper, what did you do?" Leo asked in shock.

"I don't know. Help him." Piper pushed her husband toward the smoldering Cole.


(sorry - my brain just ran out of ideas)
oooh i totally forgot this was here, okay.....


Leo placed his hands over Cole's chest while the rest of the room waited in anxious silence.

Nothing happened.

"Why isn't it working?" Pheobe screamed hysterically, now holding the fallen Cole's head in her lap.

"I'm not sure....maybe it's.....because...well he was a demon." Leo said, not at all convinced.

"So, you've healed him before plus he's completely human now. It should be easier." Phoebe was now in tears as she could feel Cole's pulse weakening and his lifeforce slipping away.

"Hmm maybe's it's because he's still evil - like i keep on saying." Paige suggested trying to be helpful. Phoebe looked like she was about to resort but Piper decided it was time to take control of the situatiion.

"Okay since he is human now, we'll just have to treat him in the human way. Leo can you orb him and Phoebe to the hospital. Paige and I'll follow." Leo nodded and tried orbing. Again nothing happened.

"Paige....???" Pheobe started pleadingly. Paige getting the hint, rushed towards her and Cole and tried orbing. Still no luck. She couldn't heal either.

"What is going on?" Piper asked "My powers still work." She demonstrated by freezing a passing fly.

"Not important, Piper just drive him to the hospital" Pheobe whispered in between sobs.


okay who's going next??
"No, they can't come here! It's too dangerous!"

One nurse glanced at her coworker and rolled her eyes. She stood and entered Mrs. McAllister's room. The little old ladyhad been brought it after a fall at home and she was currently awaiting a bed at a local nursing home. When she had arrived, she had been completely lucid and alert, but ever since that morning, she'd been yelling and screaming about these women that were going to be hurt. "Anna," the nurse said gently, "what's the matter?"

"They can't come here!" she said frantically. "Please, you have to stop them. If they come here, they're going to die."

"Who can't come here?"

"The girls! Three girls and two men. One of the men is hurt, and they're bringing him here. They can't! It's a trap and they can't come here!"

"Anna, shh," the nurse said softly, trying to calm the woman down. "It'll be okay."

"No, it's not. They're going to die."

**(by the way, hi :))
Hey DaniEllie :wave:

Welcome to Charmed Fanfiction. Feel free to look around the rest of the board and ask any questions you may have. Our only major rule is - Have Fun! :D

And i'll write some more of the fic later - i like bringing the old lady back in - i'd forgetton about her totally!

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