steller shift


Tau'ri Death Glider Pilot
Oct 27, 2001
Can someone explain to me how one corrects for steller shift when they only have glyphs ..........
Ok here is my theory. Its more like a half educated guess though, so bear with me. The glyphs on the stargate are like a directory for the sky. Each heiroglyph symbolises a constellation, or region, (similar to constellations/regions like taurus or scorpio) and by using a combonation of seven you can pinpoint a point in the sky, which is where the established wormhole would lead to. However, due to an expanding universe and millenia of stellar drift, planets will have shifted away from the original stargate "address", so you need to compensate for that. I would guess that by using Hubble's constant and spectroscopy to determine redshift, you could revise the addresses and work out the new constellations, (most probably only changing the 6th chevron) and thus get a new workable address for the planet.

In a computerised system like the SGC would have, a model would be set up of the milky way with all constellations recognised and determined, with the corresponding glyph or glyph sequence, and using data from telescopic observation of red shift, it could calculate the distances and match to the region of a constellation nearby.

Anyone else got any ideas, thats just my train of thought.
Thing is, the SGC doesn't have a list. The computer finds planets for them... One would assume they do this by getting a map and putting in symbols til one pinpoints a planet or star. In that case, they don't need to correct for redshift - they automatically find the new address.
Ok it's simple. The 6 glyphs Will pinpoint a spot in space.

They Just take the planets old glyph address from the abydos map, Use the star symbols the glyphs show to find where the planet was. Then use the computer to find where the planet is now. Take where it is and calculate the symbols that pinpoint that area and you got the right address
So the list of original addresses comes from the Abydos Cartouche. And they can determine the planets new position using hubbles constant and formulas to extrapolate the new address.

Ok cool. So I have a question. I'd always figured (after seeing COTG) that was how they got the revised addressess and everything cause I guessed that it was the first six glyphs. So can you guys tell me EXACTLY what the Point of Origin is? I don't really know. I'm only guessing now, so don't kill me. Is the 7th symbol (point of origin) used like an area code kinda thing, like you have you six glyphs determining exact postioning, (like latitiude and longitude references) and then the 7th is a chevron that establishes what...........the region/constellation. I'm not clear on this at all. Is it similar to say dialling Australia from America, you would have to dial the Nation code first, before you could ring directly?
Nope - the 7th is a unique point on the DHD (theoretically, but they have been known to mess it up sometimes) that says where you're coming FROM. One point determined by the first 6 glyphs, and a second point from the 7th, gives you a line that the wormhole traces. :D
Ah thanks i get you now.

So its similar to tracing lines on a map, eg. f4 and c5 will give point X, the first 6 determines the first, and the point of origin the second to lock a wormhole....?
the answer's right in the original movie.
you need six points to locate one. but to plot a course, you need a point of origin. Earth's point of origin is the symbol that looks like "Ã…", unless you count the beta stargate wich is now in active use in the sgc, which looks sorta like an O with a line above it.
What I don't get is why some planet's point of origin is a glyph. that would limit that world's access to the rest of the gate network because it would be impratical to have two of the same glyphs on a dhd, and you can't dial the same glyph twice.
Anyway. never mind me, I'm just a stargate fanatic who knows(or thinks he knows) too much for his own good.

~Shu Hunter
:upto: stargate fan{atic}
Well i know i am just like that too. :p

yeah, i don't get the glyph thingie either......and is the point of origin of nine glyphs or one of nine chevrons or what?
Although the theory of re-addressing is great, imagine the practice.

You have a sphere of space, which is 360 degrees round, and 180 degrees up and down(!) for each of those. That is (at only one degree granularity) 64800 points on the sphere. And at a few light years out from the centre, that is going to be a BIG gap between points. Now, assuming the glyphs are evenly spaced: only 38 of them? That is a slice of space which is roughly 10 degress round, for all latitudes.

Put another way, if an address has changed slightly, there simply aren't enough points out there with 38 glyphs to find a new combination that will actually intersect to go throgh the new location.

Try it for yourselves: draw a circle, and mark of, e.g. 20 points on the circumference. Any 20. Now pick ANY point inside the circle. Join up two pairs of the points on the circumference into two lines that intersect THROUGH the dot you want. On inter-galactic scale, your "through" needs to be within 1/1000inch to be close enough at planetary level (e.g. 100000 miles). Now, move your dot inside the circle by quarter of an inch - and try to find another two pairs that still intersects so accurately. :evil:
One thing no one's mentioned - your points you're drawing lines between ALSO shift. They are star patterns, and thus they rotate and move all over the show. In THAT case, what corrections do we now need to do? Do we even need corrections? :D
Very good point... take the example I have done, but use a bicycle tyre as the circumference. Periodically turn the wheel, slightly, and also add or remove more air... and still try to get the 1/1000 inch accuracy on intersections... :D

Anyway, the wormhole technology itself is SO far ahead of anything we have, and the molecular deconstruction/reconstruction etc., that the simple realignment must be easy by comparison.

Which makes you wonder why they didn't leave time-capsules, or knowledge depositories.

Oh, they did - "The Fifth Race". Doh! :blush:
:eek: You mean, I said something RIGHT? WOOHOOO! *cheers and dances round the room* :reyes:

Yes you were right.

Basically the stargates create stable, uni-directional matter-transporting worm-hole like (1) creations, between moving points in space, which move during use.

And as for how the dialling and positioning mechanisms work, well, that's way beyond me!

(1) Although Sam etc, always call them wormholes, the matter disassembly/reassembly is not strictly in line with current wormhole theories, which would really just be passageways of normal space between otherwise distant points.

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