7.21: Friendship One.


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Friendship One.


I was so happy when they got Lt. Carey out of 'Stasis' for this episode. Then I began to have a horrible thought. I had a very strong feeling that they were going to kill someone. No! No! He's not wearing a redshirt! Then it happened! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!

Apart from that I quite liked it. It was back to Star Trek themes, and more original, though I didn't understand the moral at the end.

"The urge to explore is very strong." "But it doesn't excuse the loss of many lives, or even one."??!!

It didn't seem to fit the theme as I saw it.

IMHO the major theme was: 'Is Technology advancement always good?'

Gene Roddenberry would have us think so. In the future no one in the Federation wants for anything, there are no poor, no sick, no one is hungry -- and it's all due to Technology.

So why don't we give this Technology to everyone for free, and let everyone in the Galaxy benefit. The Prime Directive -- that societies have a right to progress at their own pace without our interference. They are entitled to be different, and make their own mistakes.

But, if we can abolish hunger and suffering, why is it so wrong. Well 'Friendship One' attempts to answer that. Technology in the wrong hands is a bad thing, it says, and here it resulted in more suffering. The probe was sent before the Prime Directive was in force, and look what happened.

My only problem is, why should the Federation play God? Who gives them the right to decide what is good and bad. Voyagers crew didn't like it when the Sikarians, did the reverse to them in 'Prime Factors'.

IMHO the Prime Directive as a principal, is just about OK as a rule of thumb. As a strict letter-of-the-Law it doesn't work, and that it is why various Captains continuously break it. You would have thought that there would be some ammendments to it by now.

Also, IMHO I don't believe that all Technology, is always good, that it is only the users of it who may be using it wrongly. I think that there are some places we should just not go to. Just because we can do something doesn't mean that we should do it. Or at least we should somehow slow down the pace of change.

Modern technological advances are so quick that the philosophical ethical arguments cannot keep pace. A century ago, thinkers would have argued the pros and cons of 'Steam Power','Electricity', 'Automation' for decades before they had any major effect on society. Today we can almost clone a human being, 'tomorrow' it will be possible, but there isn't enough time for the debates to happen.

Sorry, that's my 'Thought for the Day' for you all!
Thanks for that Dave. Boy that was a long post.

I totally agree with you though. I enjoyed the episode. Wasn't that baby cute? (awe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Such a shame about Lt. Carey. As soon as the chap in charge asked to stand up and set up the transporter enhancers, I thought this is curtains for you sonny jim. And I wasn't wrong.

annette :D
U can always tell when someone is gonna get killed on trek... LOL
Well it was obvious there, right from the moment B'Elanna came in demanding to go, but always....??

I don't think I expected Seska and Suder, but maybe that's because I liked those characters -- I still think it was a big mistake to get rid of them.
interesting ep, if predictable in the killing off of Carey (out of stasis - i like it :D)

Seems that they're now using Voyager to fill in a few 21st century history points, to set the scence for "Enterprise", i also watched the BBC2 ep tonight, where they find the 21st C mars shuttle inside the local neighbourhood anomoly...

I think that what happened with Friendship 1, the sharing of tech by humans and the bad effects this has will be a theme in ENterprise, and they'll obviously lead up to the examples we saw in TOS (roman planet, mob planet etc), and the creation of the Prime Directive....
Originally posted by markpud
Seems that they're now using Voyager to fill in a few 21st century history points, to set the scene for "Enterprise..<snip>
I think that what happened with Friendship 1, the sharing of tech by humans and the bad effects this has will be a theme in Enterprise, and they'll obviously lead up to the examples we saw in TOS (roman planet, mob planet etc), and the creation of the Prime Directive....

I hadn't thought of it that way. You are right, Markpud. that's exactly what they did before Voyager with the Maquis and the Badlands, and to a certain extent before DS9 with Bajor and the Cardassians to set the scene.

PS. The moralistic statement at the end, that I said I didn't understand the relevance, makes great sense in the context of Captain Archer.
Starfleet Command instructs Voyager to locate Friendship One, a sublight probe that was launched from Earth in the 21st Century. The probe is located on a nearby planet, but turns out to have had serious consequences for the local culture. Paris equates fatherhood with mental regression.

Lieutenant Carey reveals that he's married. Presumably not to anyone aboard Voyager, though, as hr mentions having a child.
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