Spike's History


Aug 25, 2001
Did anybody ever think about "filling in the blanks" of Spike's history after he became a vampire?

Or describing some of the stuff that's mentioned about him but we don't ever get details on?

Or even why he insists upon giving a different age for himself every time he's asked about it? ;)

Just curious....

And if you have thought about this stuff, did you write it down? And if you did, can I read it? ;)

I've only been watching Buffy for a year, so I'd like to know more about him too!
i always think about *filling in the blanks* of a character's history! <coughahem *Methos* ahemcough> - and Spike would be no exception --

however - egads - i have ENOUGH fic running around my head that i wouldn't even know where to begin to have enough time to even think about more of Spike's past ---

so - to answer your question - no - i didn't write it down - mostly b/c i haven't tried to fill in too much -

well - except in that one story that i still can't seem to finish - yeah, ana - that one - the one i was supposed to finish by the 8th of March *like 2 1/2 weeks ago* - maybe someday -- :D
we have a starting point anyway... we've seen his "turning" and a couple of flashbacks into his past, namely when he killed the two slayers, but htere is still scope for plenty more to be filled in...
yeah - like the time from 1900 to 1977 -- that's a LOT of years to fill in --

and, did you notice that Dru wasn't around in 1977? (tho we didn't see what Spike did after he killed that slayer - so he might have trotted back to see Dru) --

then from 1977 to the late 1990's when he shows in Sunny-D again --
as much as we know Spike and Dru were together all the way up to when they split in the 90s, but there wasn't much other than the fight shown in that flashback, so again, more scope to fill it in.

Also like to see how Dru got into the weakened condition she was in when they both arrived in Sunnydale in S2
wasn't that in Prague? it was a crowd of either vampire hunters or witch chasers, or something -- i know they said it was in someplace like Prague - but beyond that, i don't recall -- however, they don't say what caused her weakened state - that would be interesting to know --

so mark - go forth and scribble a fic about it! :D
now- how would i know that?

and - how d'ya know if ya can't write if ya haven't tried?

maybe in a few years I may find some time to try my hand at writing fiction, but not at the moment with my workload I'm afraid...
Fear is of the darkside young Skywalker.

Sorry, couldn't resist the Yoda flashback! :)
Speaking of Spike's history - what happened to him? ya know - Angel said "He's worse." - (think that was 'he's worse than the other vamps you've met) -- ok - if that's so - why the hell does he become this 'not so great at being a vampire' guy just a few short episodes later? Like they forgot what he was in "School Hard" and changed him just after he healed Dru -- what the heck is that about??

He's supposed to be this 'bad ass' vampire - but they turn him into - gah - I don't know -- not a bad ass vampire ---- grr argh.
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