Hi there,
I'm the webmaster of a website that isn't online just right now. it should have been, but due to hosting problems there is going to be a delay. StargateSG-1.NET will open within a few months and in the meantime we're looking for budding writers to help write episode Guides and reviews. Anyone who is handy with photoshop will be accepted to, if they wish to contribute Desktop wallpapers. If you're interested in making a website, but don't know how to make them then you could easily join our team and work for StargateSG-1.NET. If anyone has any questions then please let me know by replying here. Or if you're interested in working on Episode Guides and reviews then e-mail me at colin@stargatesg-1.net
I'd be real happy if I were to get interest from say...SkyDiver or Anni However, most likely wishful thinking.
I'm the webmaster of a website that isn't online just right now. it should have been, but due to hosting problems there is going to be a delay. StargateSG-1.NET will open within a few months and in the meantime we're looking for budding writers to help write episode Guides and reviews. Anyone who is handy with photoshop will be accepted to, if they wish to contribute Desktop wallpapers. If you're interested in making a website, but don't know how to make them then you could easily join our team and work for StargateSG-1.NET. If anyone has any questions then please let me know by replying here. Or if you're interested in working on Episode Guides and reviews then e-mail me at colin@stargatesg-1.net
I'd be real happy if I were to get interest from say...SkyDiver or Anni However, most likely wishful thinking.