Steven Brust


Fierce Vowelless One
Apr 25, 2003
Help! I'm stuck in the forums!
Has anyone here read both the Vlad the Assasin books as well as the Viscount of Adrilankha story? I loved the Vlad series (apparently he is currently working on number 9) but I wasn't much taken with Paths of The Dead and couldn't finish it. Was I too hasty in putting it down? I think the what I liked about the Vlad books was the actual character, his quirks and thoughts and whatnot, not really the story or the world he lived in. Is that odd?
Read the first book, liked it a lot but have never gotten around to reading another book in the series.
Read all of them, the first few I found thoroughly enjoyable. But the following were none too shabby, either.

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