Cartooon Network


The Devil Himself
Feb 21, 2002
I just don't like Cartoon Network in the UK. They keep putting off on showing the new episodes and show around 5 times a saga over and over again! I enjoy the series but Cartoon Network is spoiling it. Does anyone else feel like this? :mad:
well don't be mad they do the same thing here in the US we are to the buu saga and they keep playing it over again until this fall when they finally show the new ones.
I don't get Cartoon Network anymore :(:(:(

Where are they up to? (uk)
They're up to Vegeta's death/self distruct against Fat Buu.

The reason that they don't go ahead and air more eps is because they honestly don't HAVE any more eps. CN doesn't dub the series into english. Funimation does that, and CN buys the finished product from them. They apear to have some deal with Funi to allow FUni to market the new eps on tape form in stores weeks before airing on CN.
the cartoon network in australia is even worser!!! they still up to the cell game caga and showing stupid old episodes of pokemon


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CN gets issued eps in chunks of varying sizes. They have no controll of what they get or when, they just air what they're given. So if Cartoon Network doesn't air more eps, it means they don't have more eps just yet.
i heard that in the US new eps will air in september..honestly I think that the Cartoon network may be prolonging the time to keep their viewers...the DBZ series is almost completely shown on tv..mabye one more airing year and that's it...
well they have stoped playing dbz here in texas but they continue to play the regular dragonball but i think those eps are stupid.
I think the whole US is getting just DB, PV. CN tends to move shows around when the aren't getting the high ratings anymore. Since they are continually showing the same eps, viewship has slagged off. When the new eps arrive, or demand returns for the show (beofre the new eps come in), CN will continue to only play the show on the Midnight Run.
Z is still on CN in the afternoons. They just moved the time.

In many ways, DB is better than Z. Z just degrades into fight fight fight...DB has an equal mix of action, adventure, and humor, plus there is no one or two spoecific character that carries everyone else.

...also, the fact that we don't get many new eps of Z too often is a very good move on Funi's part. DBZ is a limited series, in that once it's done there will never be more of it. Sure there's still DB and GT, but those will never acumulate the same fanbase in the US as Z did. And now Z is just about over...Funi's biggest cash cow is almost out of milk. That beiung said, it makes perfect sense that Funi will try it's best to stretch out the remaining eps to last as long as possible.

...this could also be why we havent' seen more of the movies by that Funi will still have something Z to use after teh series ends.
