Access to the Stargate Command Website Petition


New Member
Mar 9, 2002
Hi all

As you know on Wednesday the Official site...

Was re-launched however it's now not accessible to anyone outside the US. ':mad:'

That has left a lot of fans upset and confused, it's a huge community.

I've set up a Petition to send to MGM

Please take a moment to pop along and sign it.

Also feel free to pass this on to other lists and forums.


Caz Lee

AKA General Katana SG5
Originally posted by padders
you can use it through here:

Yes some of us have been able to get via those type of sites, megaproxy is another.

However the site does not function properly and some of the training does not work.

It also does not address the problem that huge numbers of fans are excluded, including Canadians who are very annoyed as the show is made in Vancouver.

Please sign the petition.

Thank you

Does anyone know why Showtime have decided to do this - it just doesn't make any sense at all ... why would you exclude visitors to a website ???

The "www" should be excluded from their address as it's not world wide !

I'd love to know the reasoning behind it, I really would.

Any US people got the code from the site that's doing the country checking .. I have a cunning plan :evil:
I can got to the site alright but when I try to log in as my user it just says I'm not registered and I did it just two weeks ago! :mad:
I registered today and have had no problems so far....

However when I went to verfiy my user and got the code thing, I clicked on the direct link to activate it and got the Only US message, but I have been logged in and just activated it in from there......
Re: Stargate Web Site

Originally posted by sgarcia549
are you talking about the official MGM site OR the official Showtime site that's down??? The address to the official MGM site is NOT

The later, but they are BOTH offical MGM sites.

The webmaster of the site Ryan has told us that we need to contact MGM.

All Stargate related products are licensed by MGM.

Presumably this WAS answered, but since it doesn't appear in this thread:

MGM as license holder have (fully in line with standard practice for more physical products such as videos, posters, calendars etc.) put a geographical limit on the applicability of the latest "product", the website. The webmasters (Ryan?) have therefore been obliged to use IP-based filtering to "prevent" none-US citizens from seeing the site, in the same way as not selling outside the US for physical products. [I recall a similar problem for AusGate and their products.]

As has implicitly been observed above, the internet is a global community and there is no part of any username, host or site address, or IP address which guarantees the location of the user. Since IP addresses are being used for this dubious purpose, some (possibly quite small) group of US users will (theoretically) find themselves barred, whilst (especially through use of proxies) outsiders will still gain access.

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