9.13 : Improbable.


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
1.14 : Improbable.

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What can I say? The first impression I have when I see this episode is what is this. It was a very strange episode, and I think that is what maintain my interest. :p Love Burt in the episode, I really wasn't sure is he was god or the devil in all that strange episode. Later read that it was god. I was thinking it because when he says to the killer something about he not follow his ways or something like that. Only that the casino and games confuse me and sometimes make me feel it was the devil. :eek:
I have to say is not one of my favorite episodes but it wasn't so bad. It was very original. :lol:

Krystal :freak4:
Yes Dave, Burt Reynolds. He was great in the episode. But well, as I say it was a very strange episode. You will see. :lol:

Krystal :D
This episode was definitly original...I'll give it that much. Confusing as all get out in some places but that could be the whole numbers thing. Never was much for numbers :D I did like Burt in this episode though
i agree very strange ep, a lot of it i don't get, might need to watch it again to absorb it all. Don't get how Scully and Reyes get to be victims. I don't know anything about numerology but from what was in the ep neither had a Carmic number.

And what was with the chequers thing??
I don't know if I liked this episode or not - it was very weird though!
The music drove me a little mad though - but I loved all that split screen editing and the different camera shots. the spilt screen reminded me of "Triangle".

I liked it when Scully started shooting at the doorlock in an attempt to ecsape the car garage... and checkers!
I'm really thinking this is a watch again cause I must have missed something episode ;)

I liked the split screen shots as well...they made the whole thing more interesting I think.
This was definitely a strange eppy. I for one couldn't understand why Burt Reynolds actually appeared in it. Was it something to do with the numbers thing?

It was funny when Reyes and Scully were playing checkers in the garage and Scullys futile attempts to shoot the locks out the door.

annette :D
Originally posted by Diamond9697
I'm really thinking this is a watch again cause I must have missed something episode ;)

I liked the split screen shots as well...they made the whole thing more interesting I think.

It will be one I'll have to watch again too. The split screen phonecalls, and the strange camera angles made it very odd.

I didn't understand much of it. What was the Italian connection? Why did he have a boot (trunk) load of music CDs? Why were they dancing and singing?

Did you notice at the end, that it didn't say Produced by Chris Carter -- it was something else, but I'd need to see it again.

And who was Burt meant to be -- someone said the Devil or God -- but it was very strange.
hmmm...I didn't notice the part at the end about not saying Produced by CC... so I'll have to look for that one of these days and I'm just as confused after I watched it again...oh well...some episodes are just like that.
Don't ask me why but all the episode have the influence of latin things. That is why they put Chris Carter info in Italian. As for who Burt plays in all the strange episode I since the beginning think it was the devil because of things he says when he talks especially with the baddie of the episode. But also it confuses me at times because other things he says, I don't remember where but later I read it was god. That will explain his face at the end of the episode over all the scene. It was a very strange god. :lol: When you see it again check out the things he talks with the bad guy, is a little confusing in most of the parts but it gives some hints as who he is. :D

Krystal :p
Gods of any sort tend to be strange creatures...just look at the Roman or Greek ones. I couldn't figure it out either and even though I read that it was a god or God or whatever, I still find myself wondering about it.
Yep, maybe he was a god from the Olympus. That greek gods were something specially in the series Hercules. :lol:

Krystal :p
Originally posted by Dave
But did they like Latin music and collect trunk (boot) loads of CDs. And why was everyone dancing, and speaken de Italiano?

I need to know these things :(

Not that I know :lol: I think probably the answer to that only Chris Carter have it. I find it very strange also. The only thing that occurs to me, and you can laugh I know is silly but anyway is that Burt's behavior, mannerism etc in the episode is like something take it from the movie El Padrino. Maybe that is the reference to things italian. :eek:

Krystal :p
Why did he have a boot (trunk) load of music CDs?

Because CD's are digital: all information on them is stored with 1's and 0's. More numbers!

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