Why It's Ok to have Ferengi In Enterprise


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
I don't know if it's been brought up before, but did people forget DS9's "Little Green Men" when Quark, Rom, and Nog travelled back to Earth in Roswell, 1947? If the military kept records of their visit instead of saying it was just "a weather balloon", then having Ferengi in Enterprise is no big deal. After all, isn't anything on screen considered canon?
While their is no real reason why the Ferengi could not have been known to the US Air Force since 1947 there are a few points you should consider:

(i) In 'Encounter at Farpoint' TNG, the Enterprise seem surprised that the Ferengi are interested in Farpoint station, almost as if they've never heard of them before! Similarly, in 'The Battle' TNG, we learn that Picard and the Stargazer fought the Ferengi at the Battle of Zeta Maxia, but that at the time they did not realise the ship was Ferengi, and again, it almost seems as if no one had fought them prior to that! The Maurauder class ships are fairly distinctive, I'm certain an Ensign could have identified one!

(ii) In 'The Last Outpost' TNG, at Picard's request, Data divulges all the known information about the Ferengi to the bridge crew. There doesn't appear to be a great deal about them, considering they've been known for 417 years. (But then we don't know much about the Andorians either.) The major problem here is that it says they were a complete mystery to the Federation until this first contact was made.

(iii) In 'Little Green Men' DS9, Nog tells Captain Wainwright that a fleet of three hundred Maurauder-class attack cruisers orbit Earth and will soon drop their cloaks to begin transporting Klingon shock troops to the surface. Wainwright appears convinced this is the truth, so if he made records of the Ferengi, why didn't he also record the Klingons? In 'Broken Bow' ENT, the Generals have never heard of Klingots before! I think the records must have got destroyed during the Third World War.

(iv) The Ferengi are not members of the Federation ('False Profits' VGR.) Why didn't the Ferengi Alliance join the Federation, with all its possibilities for trade. Maybe we will find that out yet?
Knowing the US gov't, the official story is likelyto have remained 'weather baloon' 400 years after the fact...

P.S. the British gov't still won't allow anyone near the wreck of the Lusitania for fear that it's cargo of munitions will be discovered and some history books will need to be rewriten... we're talking over 80 years here!
Why Braga thinks it's Ok to have Ferengi in Enterprise.

Braga said he sometimes feels pressure to maintain Trek continuity. "We're very aware of that, and we try very hard," he said. "We have made a few mistakes, but nothing major. I read all these things on the Internet, these 'continuity pornographers,' as I like to call them, though I didn't invent the term. These people honestly think that Rick and I are morons! Of course we know that the Ferengi didn't make first contact with Archer. They made it with Picard. The only people who see the Ferengi are Trip, T'pol and Archer, and they never find out who they were. They were 'those weird-looking guys,' and they never see them again, so you can have fun with continuity."

It's true! These people do think Brannon and Rick are Morons. You only have to read the comments on the various episode review websites. I wouldn't want to read their emails!!!

I have thought of something else... DS9 established (somewhere) that Synthehol was invented by the Ferengi, but Starfleet were drinking Synthehol long before Picard, so explain that one!
If only the writers were as big a fans of the shows as the viewers are.

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