'Enterprise' On Region 2 DVD By Christmas?


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
Enterprise may be coming to DVD in Europe before the year is over, new rumours claimed today

The Region 2 Project reported that a major Enterprise article in a trade publication, let it be known that Series V will be coming to DVD as a boxed set just before or after Christmas.

Before Christmas last year, a Paramount survey on the viability of European Enterprise DVDs was mailed to members of the 'Latinum Exchange' - a scheme for buyers of Star Trek videos. The survey was organised to give the studio feedback on its release strategy - a choice between a release every month like the current video releases, or a boxed set at the end of the year.

In the trade paper, a Paramount marketing executive said that "They want the product as quickly as they can get it and they know that VHS is the quickest route to market. [...] They also said that what they didn't want was DVDs month in and month out with poor extras. They want a DVD box set that is totally comprehensive."

The article reports that extras for the DVD set have already begun production. No details of what form these extras will take were given, however. Enterprise is due to be released on VHS in the UK next month.

No mention was made of a VHS or DVD release for North America. Trek series are traditionally released on video in Europe much sooner than in the US, where the series is often tied up by contract agreements. Potentially lucrative syndication agreements would also be compromised by an early release onto video or DVD.

The original article can be found here at the R2 Project. Thanks go out to TrekWeb for this news.
Neo, any more news on this? In fact is there any news about DS9 / Voyager on DVD?
well the way it's going padders TNG Is first then DS9 and VOY on dvd, i'll be investing some money if R2 comes out with enterprise in the UK i don' really wanna wait till it's released after VOY which is a few years away
I am sure that enterprise will get release before DS9 / Voy but i wonder when they will start those two. TNG finishes on 30th December so i wonder how long they will wait to start releasing the next lot ....
