8th Chevron Power Season 4


Active Member
Apr 1, 2002

Have just watched small victories today and I have noticed an error or me just not thinking properly (probably the latter). When Thor engages the wormhole to take Sam to his homeworld he uses the special device seen in 1969, but his homeworld is in another galaxy. We already know from the fifth race the gate needs loads of energy, does that little device provide enough? some how I just can't see it. Anyone else got any theories?

8th Chevron

Ah... writer's continuity glitch?

Actually, that's a good question. We've seen how such a device would look if made by the Tau'ri when Jack made one in 'The Fifth Race' [S2]. Big and bulky. Using the current rate for increase of design technology here on Earth and applying it to the Asgards, imagine how fast they must come up with new ideas.

Makes sense they needed Sam to 'retrofit' their thinking.

Well, y'know, it is Asgard technology.

Also, what if the device is only for dialing, not for powering, and the gate was drawing power from somewhere else?

Remember, these are the guys with transportation technology. I think they're smart enough to figure a way to power a gate.

So I think either one is plausable. Either the gate was drawing power from something else, or the Asgard found a way to pack a lot of energy into that little thing.

~Shu Hunter
:upto: stargate fan{atic}
a) the power-generator that Jack built was applying sub-conscious super-knowledge to everyday Earth technology, for DIRECT application to the gate power system
b) the DHDs seem to provide concentrated power normally during dialling
c) DHDs are not physically connected to the gate, so somehow transmit the energy required to gate
d) Asgard are hyper-advanced

e) conclusion: they could pack a miniature transmitting power cell into the hand-device, which also acts as a (one-address?) mini-DHD
Maybe its a portable DHD. One that can pack enough power. Something similar to our palm buddy thingies today, except this asgard doohicky is like an asgard compass/map....this portable dhd can get them home from anywhere with a stargate.

As for how they manage to do the energy thing...well. Maybe they have nuclear fission and quantum induction or something technology.
I completely agree. The asgard are so advanced ahead of humans that if they can create a DHD that fits in the palm of your hand why not an energy generator too. These guys have a transporter that will take apart and beam away a Goa'uld ship. With that kind of technology there won't be a lot they can't do {Apart from think stupid enough to stop the replicators of course}

Given what they were able to do to help Jack on "Fifth Race", you would think the same technology could be used on one of their own species (a volunteer!) to be physically MADE more stupid (and perhaps cured again afterwards).
But what kind of Asgard in his right mind would volenteer to be stupid? Besides, it was probably easier just to ask an already "stupid" human to come. But that's a good point.

~Shu Hunter
:upto: stargate fan{atic}
Well, they may be really advanced, but also seem to be generally easy going. Maybe volunteering is in their nature?

or a chance to be famous

or to be high profile test case


Maybe their family would get some sort of benifit from it. Who knows? I think the easiest way is just to borrow the 'smart' dumb humans.

I actually agree.

But like thinking laterally as to what MIGHT be the benefit.
In such an advanced society, fame is unlikely to be a goal, so the benefit it brings the whole of the species is the more likely reason.
Can't you figure it out? If they did make a stupid Asgard, he would still base all of his opinions on his Asgard background. Therefore, a stupid Asgard would still be an Asgard. See, it all works out. :^). They NEED a human. Or they need an Asgard who has been raised by humans....
Well in that case, I do believe we learned in a certain eppy
where sg1 met the asguard that all those crazy 'alien' kidnapping' stories may not be so crazy and the asguard have conducted studies on humans, wouldn't they have figured out our 'primitive' human brains by now....couldn't they have, umm, I don't know, lived among us for years and learned about us????

sorry about the spoiler text just paranoid I'll get yelled at if I don't use it. :)
Yes, but they don't teach their people how to act like us, merely they teach them how we act. They have a totally different logic system than us. They can try to act like us, but to them, it is totally illogical. They can't really do it. Now, take Thor. He is one of the Asgard that spends a lot of time with SG-1. Given that he STILL doesn't understand human logic. Like I said, they need some intelligent creature raised by humans, not a human clone or anything.
Originally posted by Tiberius
If they did make a stupid Asgard, he would still base all of his opinions on his Asgard background. Therefore, a stupid Asgard would still be an Asgard.
Not necessarily - given how far advanced the Asgard are, I think we can assume that they can remove the Asgard traits as well.

After all, they were able to remove the Ancient's knowledge from O'Neill, without affecting a single memory of his original brain's contents. That suggests they are capable of such fine levels of manipulation.

Perhaps the problems with the Asgard being de-brained, would be trusting anything he said. After all, it took pretty much a tirade from Carter, a brilliant (dumb) human, spoken to Thor, an Asgard who knew and trusted her, to convince him to take her word. How many Asgard's are going to trust a fellow Asgard that much, after they have de-brained him?


In episode 522, we can see that the Asgard clearly cannot yet manipulate their own genetic codes as well as they should be able to... They should be able to soon with that female Asgard's research (I assume from the smaller body mass and higher voice that she is female). Now that the Replicators are under control, they don't need a "stupid" Asgard.
[I am still at 5-4, but don't mind spoilers usually anyway, so no worries from me...]

Do we have ANY information about Asgard gender? We are assuming a bi-gender scenario, which lets face it is vastly prolific in nature and the SG1 universe. We can assume Goa'uld have two, but they don't have to use hosts of the same gender. But, we probably don't know about the Asgard, or in fact the Reetou. (Ahem!) Charlie refers to "mother", but that could be a human-like reference for familiarity - they could be hermaphrodite, or asexual etc.

[You would think Mrs Ambassador and I would know...]
hmmmmm, before I go on and say anything, I must say that it is all based on 522 Revelations. So in which case...SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really big ones.

I can't remember the specific details, BUT in 522, when the asgard scientist is describing her research she talks about the past and the future of the asgard race. I can't remember all the dialogue or details BUT the drop dead revelation here was that for the asgard race, are dying out. Reason? The asgard transfer "conciousness" into new bodies, bodies which are clones of another. So, over a period of time they have lost genetic diversity and, (I am guessing) the ability to reproduce. Which (and this is where the theory is reaching) may have resulted in the asgard engineering a clone without any reproductive ability, perhaps because they had already lost the abilty and therefore didn't want to waste resources? And this is of course over many galactic years.

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