International Chevron Guy Week


Rob Cooper's #1 Fan
Nov 20, 2000
Cruising round the net and came across this...

A site dedicated to our favourite dialing dude! The Chevron Guy from Stargate SG-1

Davis, Walter, Harriman, whatever you like to call him, here's a site that it dedicated to him.

Go check it out. It's brilliant.
Chevron guy's a beast. In episodes where he's not there the acting quality is no where near as good and u do honestly miss him. Well I do anyway

no cos what would the control room do without him?

Sorry, but he's far faster than Sam at closing that iris, and she could never make the P.A. system announcements on the base as well as he does. I think he is indispensable!
And what happens if Sam is offworld? She can't do it then can she unless she uses some sort of advanced technology that can transport her home b4 the ovas, but if she could do that then they all could.


I dont half talk bollocks :D
Gary Davis IS the Gate Keeper.

I got a (very) brief opportunity to meet him at Gatecon. His sessions were so funny!!! His lines on the show don't do justice to his killer wit!!
do you guys know what they want to happen in the last ep of session 6? well after that sam could stay on base all that she likes

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