Dr. Phlox to be Trisexual?


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
Enterprise stars Dominic Keating (Lt. Malcolm Reed) and John Billingsley (Dr. Phlox) attended Creation Entertainment's Salute to Star Trek, Andromeda and Farscape on April 6.

According to a convention report at Trek5.COM the two were asked about their misadventures in the upcoming Risa pleasure planet episode, 1x25 'Two Days and Two Nights'. Dominic broke into a thick cockney accent joking, "We just got back from Risa, mate! Just gettin the photos developed as we speak!"
Billingsley chides jokingly, "You'll be surprised to hear that many Enterprise cast members end up in their underwear on Risa. But not me. I'm the only Enterprise actor who hasn't been in their underwear yet this season." Dominic pounced, "and that'll never happen."

Dominic Keating also recalled April Fools Day events on set: "The other day was April Fools Day," Dominic said, "and we'd discovered that years and years ago, Scott Bakula had done this, well, musical dance commercial for Canada Dry Ginger Ale. So we found a copy of the ad and managed to get it put up on the Bridge view screens when Scott wasn't there. We all had Canada Dry cans and when Scott came through the bridge doors for his scene, we all broke out into this 'GOIN' BACK TO CANADA DRY' song and dance!" Dominic broke out into his best Moulin Rouge dance imitation.

When asked about the persistant rumor that one of the characters might turn out to be gay — possibly Malcolm Reed — Dominic said, "I don't think so."

Billingsley added, "There is a rumor that Phlox may be trisexual. That word is on Brannon Braga's schematic chalkboard in his office. I saw it — big letters — trisexual, with a question mark after it."

In the full report, the two talk about their favourite episodes so far and Billingsley talks about being cast on the series and about a possible spinoff series.
They are having you on.

Malcolm Reed isn't gay, he's just shy with the ladies. Dominic Keating has said this several times, but it keeps being posted on the internet.

He has nothing against playing a gay character, and has played gay characters before on TV and stage. That is most likely where the rumours began.

Also B & B have been swamped with letters about "When will we see a gay character?" They also have been swamped with letters saying "When will we see a Christian character?" You'll be telling me he's a Christian too, next! Berman says that practically every minority group wants to be on the Enterprise crew!

As for Phlox, in 'Dear Doctor' didn't he reveal to Hoshi that he had three wives? Wouldn't they have someting to say about him being trisexual?

What is a trisexual anyway? (keep it PG) I hope it has to do with there being three sexes (like social insects) anything else would be not get passed the censors.

The Andorians DO have an unusual social arrangement. TOS established that their weddings involve four individuals, and I'd like to see more on them.
Originally posted by Dave
They are having you on.

Malcolm Reed isn't gay, he's just shy with the ladies. Dominic Keating has said this several times, but it keeps being posted on the internet.

Well i completely agree.. wish they would just leave it alone. now...

Do they just mean that he has 3 wives?

John Billingsley said that he hasn't given up on more romance for his character after his wives were introduced in 'Dear Doctor'.

"Now that the wives are home on Denobula and safely out of reach?" said Billingsley. He added that he'd like to see crewman Cutler return. "I hope so, because she's a charming gal - a great lady.

"But really what I'd like is to have my real wife [Bonita Frederici] play all three of my Denobulan wives - because of the residuals!"
Did I miss something or is trisexual the same as Polygamy?
Re: Trisexual?

Originally posted by Neo
Billingsley added, "There is a rumor that Phlox may be trisexual. That word is on Brannon Braga's schematic chalkboard in his office. I saw it — big letters — trisexual, with a question mark after it."

If it was just Polygamy; if it only meant that he has 3 wives, why did Billingsley say that?

On the other hand, I know the answer to that: It seems they just love to have fun with us, by starting us thinking, by spreading dis-information.
well it certainly keeps us going... so they love it
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