3.59 : The Enterprise Incident.


Non Bio
Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
The one where Kirk has a nervous breakdown.

Another of my personal favourites. If you haven't seen it before, the ruse is portrayed very believably by Snatner and Nimoy.

There are a few nits, but seeing Kirk as a Romulan is enough to forgive them.

These Romulans are from the stupid region of Romulus though:

The Romulan subcommander annouces with a smug tone "You have been identified as the starship Enterprise" as if it's a big deal. It is written across the saucer section after all.

The Romulan commander breaks into the cloaking device room with Spock to see if it is safe, but instead of seeing it on the large central pedestal, where it is impossible to miss, she starts checking indicator panels along the wall for it.
I agree This is a very good episode with lots of action deception an intrigue. Kirk made a pretty convincing Romulan. :cool:

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