Wesley as series "whipping boy"


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
What is going on? Every other episode I watch, Wesley is being subjected to horrible injuries....

Remember Faith's visit? Or that gunshot wound? What about the most current happenings in Season Three. For those of you who follow SG1, he is definitely going down the line of Danny-whumping!

I can't really remember anything that bad happening that often to the rest of the Angel cast, poor Wes :(
Just watched "To Shanshu in LA"...

Ok so Cordy doesn't do to well in this ep either - but Wesley is caught in an explosion for cripes sake :eek7:

The poor guy :(
Yeah I was thinking this the other day..in season three he always seems to get the raw end of the deal..

Poor Wes..its about time he had something good happen to him!

aww look at the poor fella!


  • sanctuary067_copy.jpg
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That Faith was a right XXXXX!


  • five_by_five274_copy.jpg
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As far as w have seen form some of the episodes it seems that he does not get on that well with his father and maybe that he didn't have a great childhood so Im wondering if that had affected him as a adult.
I think that Wes needs to stand up for himself a little more and tell people how he feels about them!

I think he needs a good women in his life...Im still keen on the idea of him and Cordy getting together! :kisses:
i love faith but she shouldnt have tortured wesley like that...the poor thing cant defend himself....but she felt the remorse later...
Hmmmm Wesley and Cordelia?

I never thought that was likely even in Buffy when they had a snog or two!

Although with Cordelia's newfound maturity, and Wesley's current predicament, it could maybe work. Although I don't know what Angel would have to say about it (for various reasons!)
Yeah, the Wes and Cordy thing on BTVS was strange, at best, - and he was really funky with the kissing - what happened? Did he run away and learn how? B/c on Angel, he met that girl and he didn't kiss as weird as when he kissed Cordy --
Don't forget his first screen kiss on Angel - when Cordy was trying to get rid of Doyle's gift! She seemed pretty impressed by his improvement too!
Although she didn't really know it was Wes until she had finished kissing him....LOL

:rolly2: ;)
Oh, yeah I forgot that bit! Message from us to TPTB - Wesley needs more snoggin' and less getting pasted, ok?

Yeah he does need more happiness in his life...in the later half of season three at least!!
well he doesn't looks like we gotta see what happens in series 4
I think things are going to get very interesting for our boy Wesley next season --- 'cause he's in a world of trouble right now.
*flails arms in the air* OH I KNOW!!!! It makes me wanna---- *breaks down and cries*
<sigh> Poor Wes --

course - all I can recall right off is what's happening in the current season -- but he was still all whipping boy in S3 --

I like Wes - like him much better on Angel than I did on BtVS - he was so uptight and kinda wimpy -- (Alexis did a wonderful job of that, but still) -- on Angel - grown up and all scruffy --- ooooooh
without going into spoiler country, it's not been all bad for Wes in the first couple of episodes of the new season ;)

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