Most memorable theme music?

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Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
Which series theme music is the most memorable to you?

For me it's DS9's classic melody, but that's probably because DS9's my favorite series.
Originally posted by Neo
For me it's DS9's classic melody, but that's probably because DS9's my favorite series.
Could have sworn your favourite was TNG :)

Still I liked Voyagers. It is fresh and hopeful and suits the opening sequence a treat.

Enterprises has to be the worst. Full of Dylan and Flower Power
I like the TNG theme --

w/ TOS and DS9 second -

can't stand ENT's - and i never watched VOY
My favourite is Voyagers theme, its the only one I don't fast forward through on video. I don't mind the Enterprise theme, I think it fits the show and opening sequence.
TNG but that's probably just because I've see it more than anyother.

I like ENT's too. Maybe after a few more episodes I'll warm up to it.
heh, i voted STTNG, but Voyager would've been my second choice i like that alot too:D
TNG was awesome but I'm still loyal to TOS...and I tend to sweep the others under the floor.

Voyager is not that bad...and Enterprise doesn't sound like "Star Trek" at all. But I always think about Star Trek every time I hear it.
i like the ds9 and voyager themes.

the theme from tng is probably most 'memorable' for me, though...don't know if it's just the station i watched it on or what, but they BLASTED that had at least twice the volume of the show's dialogue, & the commercials. and they played that theme snippet everytime they went to commercial, when they came back from commercial, and even between commercials. i do like the theme, though. it fits the show well.

i hate to admit it, but i don't care for the tos theme at all...(sorry to anyone who likes it...don't mean to offend anyone :blush:)
I like the DS9 theme as well... when it first came out i thought it was a little slow.. but soon caught on to it
I voted for TNG as it really rocks along - kind of like a musical roller coaster! :cool:
I voted for the 'DS9' music as there's something about it hat when ever I hear it it has a calming note to it & sounds in a way nice & peaceful too

Voyager's entier opening theme and presentation was by far the classiest of them all. It said adventure and exploration without saying a one word.
Best Theme

I must say the Enterprise theme is the most likable to me. I never fast forward through the titles whenever I watch the episodes on video, whereas I did for the other series.
Here's what I think of the others:

TOS: Very short. Preferred the version with the woman singing.

TNG: Very likable, definitely says sci-fi. My favourite version is the Season 3 onwards version, that windy bit leading into the electronic-pipes is really soothing and is the calm before the full fanfare.

DS9: Liked all versions of that. The original was very calm and soothing. The newer, faster one was more action-packed and suited the revamped titles and stories, though when listening to it on CD it does get very loud at the end. As for the special rock version available on the soundtrack, even better, especially the guitar-solo in the middle (which always makes me think of the Defiant).

Voyager: Extremely adventurous and moving. Definitely suited the title sequence and was the only theme tune that stayed the same during the whole run of the series. As for the pop version, again even better. It's very uplifting and again features an unforgettable guitar solo in the middle which always makes me think of the different action sequences in Voyager such as the Voyager flying low through the Vaadwaar city or over the Tactical Borg Cube.

As for the movies, my favourite has to be the First Contact one. This one, in Jerry Goldsmith's words, is very "noble" and is along the same lines as Voyager and fits the theme of first contact.

The second best has to be the end theme for Generations, it's very stirring as well as being soothing in the middle.

The worst has to be the one for The Voyage Home, it's such a departure it's unbelievable! Like the rest of the soundtrack for that film, it's too farcical and Police Academy!
Definately Voyager. It has the most moving orchestral that just smooths along beautiful, mix that with the visual credits and it's brilliant.

I found the theme of Deep Space Nine to be equally good, but it's broughtd own by it's lack of interesting credits.

As for Enterprise, I'm not even going to go there.. :dead:

Enterprise has to be the most memorable, but for the wrong reasons.

I think TNG is classic though.
Have you guys heard the alternate opening theme for Star Trek Enterprise. It's Perfect!!!

It had me all choked up!!!

...and then even more mad b/c of the choice Paramount made.
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