If You Could Erase One Thing from A Voyager Episode


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
What Would it be?
For me..

'Unimatrix Zero' - I would replace Axum with Seven's mother. It would have made a much better stoyrline - especially considering the debacle which is C/7. I would have liked to have Seven's emotion regarding her Mother, especially since in some of the earlier Seven episodes, she seems to feel quite a bit of contempt for her parents..blaming them for her assimilation.

'EndGame' - ARGHHHHHHH.. The C/7 storyline definately. I cannot in all my mind understand what Braga, Bermann & Biller were thinking when they wrote in this story arc.. it has dissapointed many fans, and just doesnt make any sense whatsoever - one minute Chatokay doesnt give a **** about Seven..the next he is ogling her Floaties. And Brannon Braga wonders why there are alot of criticms to his work, and then he goes and calls us all 12 year olds.. well Braga.. isnt the reason why you brought Seven of Nine on Voyager for us ogling, teenage boys? If the C/7 storyline was erased from 'EndGame' - it would have left room for more important scenes(maybe after Voyager arrived back home) and the finale would have been flawless.
Not sure whether replacing Seven's lover with her mother would achieve anything more. There was not time for what would have been an interesting clash.
It would have been better for a Janeway saves a Borg episode. I think the episode where they found the Borg children, or One would have been good ones to replace with this scenario. As they were both the same story as far as 7o9 were concerned it doesn't matter which. Though I think I'd tend towards the kids. (I could suggest trying Good Samaritans and Nodes for Two on the Fan Fic board, where she does meet mother. But that would be self promotion.;))

I heartily agree about C/7. She could eat him alive and he would not notice.

I think I would also erase Tunkatsee. Even for the spectacle of seeing Seven of Nine flattened it was pointless.

Edited 'cos I got my Unimatrices mixed. Sorry!
Originally posted by Neo
for us ogling, teenage boys?
Your a teenage boy???

The only thing I would get rid of from a voyager episode would be the unfounded critiscism it recieves. I don't have a problem with backed up and thought out citiscism, just the constant bashing it gets on various websites (not this one mind you).
I meant it meto (cant spell the dam word) LOL
I think Neo's game is afoot!

But at least he brings us the best of the current topics of fan debate.

I would also remove the Chakotay/ Seven relationship: "You're beautiful when you're chopping." Give us a break!

Also the episode 'Tsunkatse' -- in the bin with it.

I would never have let Kes leave.

I would have disabled all the Holodecks, so we could forget all of those pointless Holo-novels, Irish Villages and French Bars with Vikings.

Sorry, that's more than one thing!
Just one thing?

Okay, I would have erased the entire "Endgame" episode. There is absolutely nothing about that which makes any sense.

I would also have erased the entire episode where Tom breaks the Warp 10 barrier and he and Janeway run off to some swamp and have babies. That episode is just ridiculous.

Sorry, folks -- I would also have eliminated Kes. I never liked her. My favorite character is Seven of Nine (and I am not a teenage boy -- or a boy of any age!).

I would have deleted the Borg baby from the episode where they first encounter the Borg children. The reason is that we never get to find out what happened to the baby. It didn't die, and no mention was ever made of it in subsequent episodes. That's a loose end that has nagged at me...

The Delaney sisters. At some point I think it's made clear they were Starfleet, not Maquis. How likely is it that siblings would end up assigned to the same ship?

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