4.18 : Bite Me

Highlander II

There can be only one!!
Jun 6, 2001
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(synopsis taken from tvtome.com)

A vampire queen tries to dethrone Cole as ruler of the Underworld and attempts to turn Paige against her sisters. Meanwhile, Phoebe begins to feel under the weather.
okay - had to watch this ep on TNT during the re-air b/c WB went wonky in the middle of the ep last Thurs --

anyway -- i hate Phoebe's hair - it's ridiculous - those tiny little bangs (or fringe) and blah - i just hate it --

vampires on Charmed - pretty lame as far as vampires go - they turn into bats - how cliche is that? and the weird thing about 'if they haven't bitten anyone yet, they turn back to a human' - only place i've ever seen that before was in "The Lost Boys" - and yes, i understand that each show develops it's own theories regarding vampires, but there should be some thought that goes into it --

was i expecting these vamps to have bumpy faces like on Buffy? nah -- that's a Joss Whedon thing - but i was expecting a little bit more 'originality' to it --

and ya know - it seems that all the demons on Charmed have the same traits -- as in, if you're turned into one, then you can be turned back to human if you haven't made your first kill yet -- need some originality there -- it's boring if it's always an easy fix --

but - the conflicts surrounding the vampires vs. the Source was interesting - tho it was resolved rather quickly --

i'm wondering how long it will take the Charmed ones to realize that Cole is the new Source -- and then will they decide to vanquish him? or try to find a way to turn him human again?
I think this ep. was to set up the story that is going through the rest of the ep's in the season. Here is what we have learned.

1.Cole is having trouble being the Source with other demons.
2.Piper and Paige are catching on.
3.Phobe is pregant with the offspring of evil.
4.Cole is becoming more controlling to the point of madness.
5.Phobe is going through a break down.

I liked this ep because of the major way it move the storyline along. I was upset that Elizibeth Gracen AKA the queen after doing great in Highlander and Queen of Swords was killed off before she could show her stuff.

As for the Vampire cure part. i have read and saw many stories in which the first bite clause is in effect, so i assume it is a rule like Daylight, and Mirrors unless told other wise.

As for Cole. the real Cole is down in there some where. I think being in the Subconscious won't stop him from wreaking havac. for reference she the Season 3 Scorpious/Harvey in the third Farscape season.

yeah - i wish they would have kept her on a bit longer -

making this episode 2-parts instead of just the one would have developed some 'story' and 'conflict' - but it's almost as tho the vampires weren't really a problem and the whole episode existed so we could find out that Piper can't get pregnant and the Phoebe is pregnant --
i agree that killing the Queen was way to easy - what just one energy ball -and the fact that it killed ALL the other vamps too - very weird. Annd what's with all the red??

It was more interesting when they found out vanquishing her required a Power of Three Spell - i wanted to see how they managed that!

Still i thing the ep had plenty of plus points - yes finding out more about Cole and yes Piper FINALLY begining to see something is wrong. Also quite a few funny moments - like Piper's suggestion of a demon convention to vote in a new Source!! And all the demons Pheobe and Piper encounter running away from them!

I really liked the end when Phoebe faints after finding out she's pregnant - demons and vamps she can handle not a hair outta place but this.....LOL! :D

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