4.21: Womb Raider


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Apr 22, 2001
4.21 Womb Raider

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saw this one! (look look, I didn't forget AND WB didn't mess it up!)

Odd episode. The baby apparently doesn't take kindly to ppl disliking his father - Cole.

And Phoebe went to the closet to pack up some stuff and was nearly pulled into the underworld -- and parents tell there kids that there aren't monsters in the closet ----

There really wasn't much else to the story - just the stuff about the baby not really liking Paige -
yeah i FINALLY saw it too.

i thought the closet bit was weird, esp when Phoebe pulled off a piece of the Seer's ear! YUCK!!

I thought that Pheobe seemed to get over Cole waaaay to quickly, i wanted to see her moping for a while. Afterall, Piper got in a right strop in series 3 eps like Once Upon A Time, when the Elders took away Leo, and he wasn't even dead, let alone killed by her!!

I liked the ending - VERY sweet letter and did Cole really speak or was she just imagining it?? I guess we wait and see.....
their are two things about this ep' that bother me.

1.the title Womb raider. It just brings to mind pictures of the sisters entering the wonb. Even if it's in an other dimension or dreamscape. nothing like that.

2.I am not 100% but all of the head demons were killed when Baby Source gave a temper tamtrum and unleashed way to much power.

i rate this ep high. It showed that the Seer had been manpoliting things since 4:01. The suspence level was always high. I liked how the baby source reacted to the sonogram.

i think the baby was shown to have that much power on purpose - just to let us all know there's really no easy way that Phoebe could control it.

And it did have some really cool funny parts - like the sonograph and the scene in the detective's office. LOL :D
Good episode - is it the last one of the season ?

Piper 'do you have enough ear left to make another batch?'

Great line !!!!

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