Yeah, I don't mind long work, so long as its quality. I got bored with Jordan's stuff. I know I'll read it and not mind it when I get round to it. The trick is actually being bothered to do it. I stopped actually buying the books ages ago. they are everywhere these days, so its not hard to get a copy if you want to.
but yeah, I was dissappointed. I think his standard has dropped, wither that or I grew up. (lol, especially true and likely given how long these things have been going).
To me it seems to be more about producing the books for the sales than producing the books for the audience.He could truly have created one or two really good books out of the last three. they just seem to cover no ground. It's like Dragonball Z: one fight takes to weeks to cover.
But i guess you wouldn't notice so much if you read them all in the one sitting...