what do i do?...


Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Sorry I have not been able to reply to your posts sooner, have been VERY BUSY on episodes six through nine.
In response to your questions "what do I do?".
I have worked in the art/ paint/ construction/ visual effects/ make-up/ set dec department since the start of the pilot, six years ago.
My job at SG1 is that of "graphics co-ordinator", although I am officially a member of the paint dept. my office is in the art dept.
My duties include the design of alien text, alien graphics, final technical dressing of props, maintaining continuity of the blast doors and door graphics in the SG complex, and any and all other graphicly dressed components that go into our show...from vehicle plates to uniform crests, both design and fabrication.
You have seen my work in virtually every episode of Stargate, although if I have done my job right you probably did not notice it.
Today I delivered a pile of tattoo stencils to Jan our head make-up technician, and got a phone call at home tonight to report to work a half hour early Wednesday morning because our director requested a lot more tattooed Jaffa extras at the last minute.
Its 10:00pm now, and I have to be at work at 6:30am and I live a one hour drive away from the studio.
I'm always tired, I'm always well fed, and I get a hell of a lot of satisfaction from what I do for a living, I could not imagine how awful it must be to work for a living* Good Night, Good Luck!
Jaffa Kree!
*someone once said "make your living doing something you enjoy, and you will never work a day in your life." - or something to that effect.
Any chance you'll be working on the movie (#2), the spin-off, or the animation series?

Thanks for the overview, Baydo. I hope you don't mind if I'm envious. I know what you do is a lot of long, hard, nit-picking work, but I'm still envious, none the less.

Had a chance to see some of your projects up close last year when the set allowed some convention goers from GateCon to come through on Sunday. I had the lucky privelidge of being 'group sheepdog' [I knew all those long con work hours would do me in good stead. :} ] Had lovely long talks with Rick Dean and various folks.

I am still terminally envious of all you folk.

If you ever need a very eager 'go-pher' who is living on a government pension and can work for free... let me know.

I'll move up North in a heartbeat.


Sorry Tex, too soon to say for sure, but things look VERY positive, more than that I cannot say.
Rowan, what the hell are you doing on a government pension, you have the kind of positive attitude that got SG1 off the ground (pardon the pun) in the first place.
Try to find transcripts of Brad Wright's speech at the first Vancouver Gatecon, he tells a great story about having to travel across the continent before anybody would take him seriously.
Brad is two years younger than me, and about six inches shorter than me, but he is somebody I will always look up to.
I'm going to bed...good night.
Boydo....... like me, Rowan is a former military who has been stamped with a label which says that we are no longer of use to them because we are now sick. I don't know the ins and outs of Rowans exact situation and wouldn't presume to even guess at it. However she, like me, served her country loyally for quite a long period of time. Rowan in the US military and me in the British Army. We are both now considered to be 'broken' for want of a better word.

Rowan is a conscientious and intelligent lady, dedicated to whatever she sets her mind to and you couldn't have a better gopher if you needed one.

For myself, I feel very much the same way about things as she does, to the extent where I actually gained a computer network engineering qualification and now travel around the world as a contractor installing, maintaining and troubleshooting networks.

She and I have a great deal in common, including the label of being 'broken' from our respective governments and military. Mine resulted from service in the Gulf War and I suspect so did Rowan's but I'm sure she put that right if it's wrong.

Originally posted by Boydo
My duties include the design of alien text, alien graphics,
Did you play any part in designing the alien texts on the walls in Heliopolis in Torment of Tantalus? They were sooooo cool. :D
Re: Job

Originally posted by Rowan
I hope you don't mind if I'm envious. I know what you do is a lot of long, hard, nit-picking work, but I'm still envious, none the less.

WOAH YEH!!!!!! im 16, and if i get a job that satisfying itll be a miracle!! i like the quote, too boydo

Posted by BOYDO!
"make your living doing something you enjoy, and you will never work a day in your life."

i read it somewhere before, and i hope im that lucky!!


Hey, Spooky... I'm 50 and would still seriously get into a job like this. I figure, since I've been 'making do' and 'jury rigging' for almost all my live [medicine and the military], I could probably work it out. :p

Besides, since I'm not woring medicine any more and retired out of the military, I need a new career. :D
