Would you want a symbiont if you were a Trill?

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Non Bio
Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Well, would you like a worm inside you, giving you other people's memories that you never had, and the knowledge of several generations, but maybe some lack of control over your own body, and a loss of your own personality, individuality, and freedom of thought.

I'm not sure. ;)
I don't think so, the thought of another creature living inside me isn't something that appeals at all. If, however, I was brought up in a culture that accepted it as normal, then I probably would go along with it - after all, you would be an outsider if you thought it was disgusting in that situation.
I think the wording of the poll helped me decide - I would worry about the loss of autonomy, but to be able to pour over the memories of such an old being would be amazing, maybe that's the historian in me coming out.
I would definitely like to experience such a thing if it were possible.
I'd have to go w/ "I'm not sure" -

it's an interesting idea/concept - but there are a number of factors.

but like, Technomage said, if you're brought up in that culture, then it wouldn't be weird - it would be 'normal' --
Another question?

Who came up with the original idea then?

One day a Trill discovered a slug, opened up his friends abdomen and stuck it inside. It seems unlikely to me.

I could see it eventually becoming a normal part of your culture, but I find it hard to imagine it beginning.
Interesting question. For some reason when I have thought about this before I imagined that the species evolved from a goa'uld like symbiotic relationship. That is, the symbiote possessed the humanoid person rather than sharing the body with it. But then, that still doesn't answer your question of how this relationship might have evolved :rolleyes:
I have no idea how it would have started but I don't see it being much weirder than the sorts of things humans have done (and are still doing.)

As for having one myself I don't know if I would like having a symbiot inside me altering my personality. Maybe if I was a Trill growing up with it as a part of my culture I would think differently.
There in lies the answer ...

The question asks ...If I were a Trill would I like or want a symbiot

As a Trill of course I would it is the most important experience a Trill can ever hope to achieve in a life time, very few Trill's actually ever become hosts. So to be chosen as a symbiots host is an honor and a privaledge most normal Trills strive for.

As an outsider ...I could live with it ...I would imagine it feels something like being pregnant except without the growing tummy.
Originally posted by stripe
...I would imagine it feels something like being pregnant except without the growing tummy.

It's a little more than that. You would have the presence of another intelligence inside you, not just a kick and punch -- no secrets at all, memories of things that you never did, knowledge of things that you never learnt.

I would find it very weird.... which is why I'm not sure about it.
Originally posted by Dave

It's a little more than that. You would have the presence of another intelligence inside you, not just a kick and punch -- no secrets at all, memories of things that you never did, knowledge of things that you never learnt.

I would find it very weird.... which is why I'm not sure about it.

True but wouldnt you be able to seperate these things from each other. I mean yes you would have memories of something you didnt do but arent you totally aware that these are not your memories?

For example would it not be the same as someone telling you about a ski trip over and over again to the point where you feel like you actually went on the ski trip yet you know you didnt?

Perhaps I have this all wrong but I dont think it would be so difficult to adjust to....but then again thats why the host selection process is so long and complicated and not all Trills are even considered for the joining process.
Originally posted by stripe
yes you would have memories of something you didnt do but arent you totally aware that these are not your memories?

For example would it not be the same as someone telling you about a ski trip over and over again to the point where you feel like you actually went on the ski trip yet you know you didnt?

No, I think you are right, that would be more like it.

(I was thinking along the lines of the memories that the Bene Gesserit Reverend Mothers have in 'Dune'. But I guess that is totally different, partly a genetic memory, and partly because they become that person themselves.)

A Trill and the symbiont remain separate entities. If not, it would not be possible to steal the symbiont ('Invasive Procedures' DS9) and then put it back again.
I think it would be interesting, having all that information right there. Yeah, I'd have a symbiont.
I think if I were Trill I would probably want to and try for it. I think (hope) that people are "trained" for it from very early on. For a human, it would be something akin to Multiple Personality Disorder which is very devastating and hard for people to deal with and heal from. I think it would feel like that as a human but as a Trill I guess I would be familiar with it and be more likely to want to try it.

I always think about the first time we saw a Trill on TNG (can't remember eppy name, sorry) and how the Trill have evolved since then on DS9.

That the new host was still in love with Beverly is incongruous with how the Trill came to be depicted through Jadzia. It would be weird for a new host to be in love with a symbiont's/former host's lover as they wouldn't really know each other except through the symbiont.

And then it all starts getting tangled up which is how I would imagine it would be to have a symbiont. I don't know if this makes sense, the whole symbiont thing is really confusing!!

It would seem dealing with one personality is more than enough but maybe the Trill are just more advanced than humanity! :lol:

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