Where are all the Angel spoiler sites?


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
I know about www.cityofangel.com and www.cityofangelus.com, but I was wondering if anyone has any particular site recommendations?

I don't seem to be able to find any good, reliable sites that have rumours and spoilers for upcoming episodes and seasons.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)
I would love to know the answer to that one too..I have looks all over the web but have never really found a great site for the spoliers!! :rolleyes:
I am not sure if it just that we can't find them, or maybe that they just don't exist. I am regularly taken by surprise on Angel - things that I had not an inkling about, whereas usually on Buffy I seem to have picked up a vague idea of what will be coming next without even trying.

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