Osiris' ship features (shown in The Curse)

Ko'or Oragahn

Well-Known Member
May 12, 2002

Pointed out by PTeppic in http://www.ascifi.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8158 about the stargate iris, he noticed the role of the two different shapes of Apophis's mother ship, one for the transport mode, the other dedicated to battle mode.

Ok, so now, we can see another kind of transformation with Osiris' ship.

At the end of The Curse, Osiris escapes in her ship that pops out from underneath the sands of the desert.

The transformation process only shows some kind of big sting protruding underneath the hull. As it is as big or even bigger than the maximum height of the ship, it's obvious that this device is made of naquada.

But what could the role of such a sting ?

As it appears while the ship takes off, it seems to add some sort of propelling force or something like that.
Originally posted by Ko'or Oragahn
different shapes of Apophis's mother ship
It was just an advanced Death Glider, rather than a mothership.

As for Osiris's ship, since we have no canon evidence, this will all be pure theory:

Could just be an energy release port, i.e. an inter-stellar engine.
Osiris ship

Also, remember Osiris had been imprisioned on Earth with Isis for a very long time. It was probably the Goa'uld equivelant of a 53 Packard or something: out of date compaired to the more modern ones in use.


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