What needs to happen to Fred to make her more interesting?


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
Well, I am tempted to answer my own question by saying, nothing, they should simply ditch her. She bugs me something shocking. The way her character is being played in season three I frequently wonder why she has a starring credit, or why the PTB even introduced her in the first place as a main character. Was it simply to even up the gender imbalance? Seems that is all she actually does :(

Ok, ok, I know I am going a bit far, but it just drives me crazy that they brought this character on for not much of a reason - and she isn't even very likable. Every time she makes some exclamation I feel like yelling at the telly "what the xxxx do you know anyway you silly bint!"

What avenues could her character take to make her more interesting, or vital to the group? Having her study witchcraft would be a no-no as that would make her even more similar to Willow - something that has been discussed on other threads hereabouts. I just get the feeling that she needs something to oomph her out a bit - and I can't see extra backstory really helping much...

So, what do you think?
Well to be honest I really don't have many thoughts on Fred..shes just kinda there!
She served her purpose in the last few episodes of season two...but as for making her a regular..Im not quite sure why they did it.

She has not really done too much in season three apart from having Wes and Gunn fighting over her!

But to answer your question Im not really sure what I would like to happen to her!! :D
She's kind of fufilling the damsel in distress role at the moment, since Cordys gone all kung-fu kick ass (well in theory anyway). Nearly every episode she's in danger of her life and she has the whole southern belle thang too so it sits pretty well with being kind of helpless. But she is so boring, I don't know what theycould do to make her more interesting. Maybe turn her into a vampire and have Gunn or Wesley stake her. At least we would get shot of her.:p
OOOooooh Cruel! But I like it!

SHe is an oddly conventional damsel in distress for these shows, isn't she? I mean, in Buffy, we had COrdelia for the first three seasons - but she wasn't very typical at all, she may not have staked any vamps until her last episode of Buffy, but she was not to be messed with before that either! Willow was a bit more damselly - I think I can see why people have compared Fred to an early Willow now. But again, she became all witchy - so, it seems that no one stays very damsel in distress for very long in the Buffy universe, which is partly why I asked this question.

Someone over on the Buffy forums mentioned how Joss likes to empower the women he writes - and as he is to be taking a bigger role on Season four we can possibly expect some kind of evolution for Fred's character. Although Joss has been known to surprise us! (Being facetious here - I am regularly suprised by the turn of events on Buffy and Angel).

What way could the character go? I am just hoping that (final season six ep spoiler)
She doesn't inherit the visions from Cordy

That would REALLY wind me up.
Yeah I really hope that what you said in your spoiler does not come true either :dead:

I used to kinda like Fred...but in the last few episodes of season three she has really started to get on my nerves..so Im all for the vamp and staking bit!!! ;)
aha! pamie is coming over to the dark side :cool: :evil:

But, seriously, I was all for giving Fred a chance, so far, she hasn't done much for me.... She's just getting in the way :(
Originally posted by Tabitha
aha! pamie is coming over to the dark side :cool: :evil:

But, seriously, I was all for giving Fred a chance, so far, she hasn't done much for me.... She's just getting in the way :(

LOL.... ;)

Nah she has not done a great deal for me either apart from just be there and get in the way! :rolleyes:

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