Character Growth: Season Finale Spoilers!!


Fear is the mind killer.
Jan 18, 2002
Be warned, big spoilers ahead!

It looked as though Emma and Brennan were getting close the first half of the season, but in the finale Shalimar and Brennan seem as though they're going to get together. I think they're a perfect match too. I hope their relationship develops more in season two.
Lonewolf left out the BEST part of the whole show....

another big spoiler...

Brennan and Shalimar MAYBE getting together, the big part of the story is the new villian is going to be one big problem. Eckhart has lost his reign...he is in one of the pods. We find out that it was Adam who invented the neural governer and the pods. Since this new mutant has just about every mutant x power there is, he will be a force to reckon with and has all of the resources of genomex at his disposile. Shalimar was under his spell for a short time but a mental blast from Emma brought her out of it or is Shalimar still under his spell and is a plant to bring down Adam?
I think it was time that the powers of the MutantX members growth and advance. And the powers were very interesting, it was good to see Emma with powers that she could use to help more in the action as she tells Adam. As for the new baddie, definitely looking forward to see how he acts, and with all the powers he sure will be a great threat to MutantX. Also he's group will possibly take many mutants from the grasp of the group.

Krystal :rain:

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