Originally posted by Tabitha
(I am now over the confusion of being subscribed to a thread I had never heard of
But.... but... but.... what about the timeline and the future and everything? Didn't the TNG crew get back to a future that was the same as they remembered? I wonder how they are going to work around the fact that the timeline hasn't been altered in any significant way, even though humans know about the borg a few centuries early?
After realizing that it must have been the First Contact sphere that the Humans found... I began to ask the same questions. Then I realized... Starfleet has alot of info on the Borg now. They have: detailed pictures, wreckage of a sphere (including power plant), wreckage of modified arctic shuttle, enhanced equipment on Enterprise, a few drones (floating in space which can be recovered), sample message, nanoprobes, an actual recovered person who was infected by Borg nanoprobes (Phlox). There might be even more (i.e. a transwarp drive unit???)... who knows.
With all that, humans have the ability to study and reproduce the technology. I'm surprised that they are at such a loss when TNG crew encounters the Borg. It seems that this isn't a causual time loop, but rather an isolated alteration to the timeline. I don't know. But it has the potential to either A)change the entire Star Trek timeline, or B) really mess of cannon. I bet B will happen as it has in the past.
The show was pretty good, but one thing bugged me... toward the end when Archer was on the Borgified transport, he said "they've adapted". Just his use of the word seemed to much. He didn't know that they adapt. For all he knew, they just turned the personal shields on and off. Bit of a stretch.
From the article that Dave linked to:
"My guess (and that's all it is, but I'd argue it's a reasonable one) is that the Borg would have had transwarp drive in Archer's time, probably at least a few of those transwarp hubs, and that by Archer's time they'd already come to know most of the Galaxy, including the Alpha Quadrant.
So why didn't they assimilate Earth and Vulcan and all the rest long ago?
Simple. For the same reason the Borg have never taken an interest in assimilating the Kazon. Tuvok once asked Seven why the Borg had never bothered with the Kazon, and as I recall she asked something along the lines of "why assimilate a species that could only detract from Borg perfection?". In Archer's time, and probably even in Picard's time, none of the cultures in the Alpha Quadrant have anything to offer "Borg perfection", comparatively, they're too primitive, and judging by the Borg Queens attitude toward Humanity 'ol "species 5618" isn't exactly high on the Collective's list for ideal drone fodder. "
So this may be a reason why the Borg won't/don't bother with humans et al.