Poll: Oma Desala

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Frelling Wicked
Oct 8, 2000
What did you think of Mel Harris being cast as Oma Desala, and the part written for the character in "Meridian"?

[no offense to the DJ fans; I'm interested in your opinions re: this character, not our general outrage at the loss of DJ as a character]
I didn't so much mind the actress herself and I thought she did as well as could be expected. However, I thought that the producer's way of presenting her sucked. She looked like a prissy, anally retentive corporate executive. Everything about her was pursed.... and dinky....even down to the little neat earrings she was wearing.

However I may have imagined Oma Desala it certainly wasn't dressed like that....and the way she was depicted directly affected what she was saying to Daniel to guide him into making the right decision for him. She sounded more as though she was interviewing him for a job!

I don't watch all that much T.V. so, like with Corey Nemec, I've never heard of her before.

Whoever she is, I wasn't greatly impressed. She looked more like a corporate executive - possibly moonlighting from Wolfram and Hart. (Yes, one of the things I do watch is 'Angel' :D ) She seemed to be bullying Daniel into leaving his friends rather than guiding him on to a higher path, which he clearly wasn't happy about.

Mystical, she wasn't, despite the arcane meanderings though Zen koan territory. Looking back, I think the word I'm fumbling for here is 'irritating'.

I can't off-hand think of any actress on either side of the Pond who would fit the bill though. If anyone comes to mind, I'll get back to you.

Maybe Oma Desala should have been a computer graphic throughout?

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
Well, to me, Mel will always be Hope, the whining yuppie on 'Thirtysomething'. I loved Anni's comment about her 'neat little earrings'. She DID look like one of those consultants who give seminars to corporations, the kind where they spout platitudes for 3 hours straight. (e.g. 'Work smarter, not harder', etc.) To be fair, I don't know if any actress could have could have carried off the role as written.
I know she had to communicate with Daniel, but somehow I would have expected something a little more mystical - more in tune with the character presented on Kheb.
Mel Harris did nothing for the character of Oma Desala.

Who knows, maybe after an all night drinking binge they were reduced to the questions "Why does my head hurt" and "Who'll work cheap".

Now that I think on it, the character that would have made it more interesting in bring Daniel to enlightenment would have been the child (who's name I can't remember for the life of me.)

After all he was the one who taught Daniel the price of power.

:shrug: Just my thought.
Good point, Gemsong.

The harcesis child, or a child, would have been a good choice. The other side of that coin is that his character was even worse about spouting riddles . . . ?
But Daniel did learn. Which means he *could* learn.;)
I've come to the conclusion that I mustn't be a very spiritual person, because Oma Desala and Shifu (the child) would have really pissed me off big time. Especially if I was dying at the time in horrible pain and in a disgusting fashion. I found both characters intensely irritating and the producers' attempt to add a dimension of spirituality to the show rather pathetic.

Even Orlin, who was supposed to be the same ascended species annoyed me. His interchanges with Sam had me muttering things like "Go on Sam.......hit him.....punch his lights out!"

:evil: :evil:
ha ha ha, I always love your commontaries Anni. You always hit the spot right on. hmmm, when it had to be Oma, I'd have to say I'd prefer to see her as her old glowy self that reminded me of the sourcerous in the old cartoon/anamation She-ra. I'm glad Danny did get a bid ****ed & said some thing to the affect of 'ya, I don't really have time for this right now'.
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