The transformation of the Nordic Myth into the good guys in the form of the Asgard "greys" might appear incidental were it not for the fact that it lends further weight to my suspicion that the initial conceptions for the series scripting reflected a crypto-white-supremacist (for Nordic read Aryan) theme and either unconsciously or ruthlessly plays to this dynamic in an attempt to gain dramatic weight. I find the fact that this obvious unenlightened and distasteful bias has gone unremarked very worrying for the future of our societies.
I disagree, the Asgards pose as 'false deities' to various Viking-type societies around the universe. Those same 'white' societies are portrayed as being unadvanced, and mentally not ready to accept the 'truth'. This is far from crypto-white supremacy, its actually patronising and condescending, especially when you consider that the real intergalactic Asgards share no similarities with those that worship them, be it spaceship designs, architecture, fashion, language and phenotype.
Also, all of the advanced white majority societies like the Tolans, and the Aschen are mostly atheist and multicultural capable of defeating and repulsing major galactic threats to their civilizations.
The Goa'uld system-lords in turn are a very diverse lot. Chronos was an Ancient Greek, Yu was an ancient Emperor of China, Baal is rooted in the legends of the Levant, many more derive from Roman, Japanese and Egyptian mythology like Ra, Apophis, Hathor, etc. It makes the Stargate Universe very interesting in my opinion. Imagine if the Ancient Egyptians that built those gigantic pyramids suffered no invasions from 500BC till 2012, how advanced would they be today? Same with the Ancient Greeks or the Romans, these guys were so far ahead its ridiculous.
ps I know this is a decade old post I'm replying to, but back then I was into Ninja Turtles and Pokemon, so cut me some slack.