re: spoilers
comparing Farscape (only three seasons completed, beginning the fourth season, epy 3 pending), I loved it when, in Season 1 and Season 2, there really were no extensive number of threads about anything but the actual epys themselves. There weren't that many threads in General Discussions, and the character areas had many positive posts about the actors and the past and present projects they were involved in . . . and spoilers about the season ending (always a Farscape four-parter), well, the only spoilers are really from the Brits who always get to see the final 4 before the USA does, and even then, spoilers are only there if you're interested.
I suppose, in a way, the age of Stargate and its popularity has brought about other changes and additions as well . . . including the wish to capitalize on a popular show. I'm still a bit optimistic re: Season 6 . . .