Can we just go ahead and kill McKay?

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Frelling Wicked
Oct 8, 2000
The guy is just so obnoxious! :dead: I think his presence is strategy to make Corin Nemic look better . . . and it worked!
What's the deal? They kill off (sort of) a great character, and McKay is still on board?

I say we give him to Maybourne to practice his torture techniques on. :upto:
I voted for him being a good foil. He's like moss: he grows on you slowly. But again, I'm one of the fans bleating for more semi-perminant characters on the show so I'll take what they give. I think it's a credit to the actor that between the episodes he's on last season and now he's garnered a small fan base on the boards by the end of Redemption Pt.2. He helped put in some outrageous humor into the episode.
Originally posted by Texane
The guy is just so obnoxious! :dead: I think his presence is strategy to make Corin Nemic look better . . . and it worked!

The ideal solution, of course, would be to have McKay executed for the murder of Jonas Quinn... :D :naughty: :upto: :evil:

Hatshepsut :wave:
I too voted for kill him...and after I saw the peck it doesn't seem so unlikely anymore...:D
And we all know what Sam *really* meant when she said: 'It's better for you' ...hehe :D
I loved MacKay. I thought he was one of the best things about R2. He's a great character. He brings out this great side in Sam. And it's good to see another scientist in there offering suggestions. It can get boreing when Sam has the answers all the time. I think having him in there brought her down of her genius pedestal for a while.

Plus David Hewlet is absoluetly adorable.
I hope we see more of him this season. He's funny.
I haven't voted, but I might in a minute ---

I just want to ask, why do ppl always want to get rid of the charaters that don't 'think the same way' as the 'regulars'??

McKay isn't my fave character, but, for cryin' out loud, he's not that bad - he's just a guy - and he doesn't happen to think the same way as Sam. I hope they have an episode where he's right and she's wrong. Sam can't always be right about everything.

Now, granted, I haven't seen the ep where McKay was formally introduced, but, from what I've seen, he hasn't really been that bad - there's plenty of potential - we could get an interesting twist where he's working for someone else ---

And you can't only have the 'good guys' - w/o antagonists, the protagonists have nothing to do....
I totally agree Highlander.

Most of the negative reaction I've heard about him is coming from the S/J ship side of the fandom. Most people think he's an okay sort a guy. But god forbin he should threaten the wonderful 'Sam and Jack'. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I myself don't mind the ship. But hating this guy just cause he may or may not pose a threat to their relationship is just rediculous.
ShelbyS wrote:

Most of the negative reaction I've heard about him is coming from the S/J ship side of the fandom. Most people think he's an okay sort a guy. But god forbin he should threaten the wonderful 'Sam and Jack'. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I myself don't mind the ship. But hating this guy just cause he may or may not pose a threat to their relationship is just rediculous.

Hee. I was hoping for Sam/Jonas ship myself, but I'll take McKay/Sam. Actually, McKay/Sam makes sense, they're both scientists and there's no chain of command issue either.
Ah - maybe that's why I don't hate every new male character into'd on the show -- I'm the anti-shipper! I don't want any relationships to develop on the show btwn the major characters - and I'll explain why:

Many times when show PTBs decide to 'ship' the characters, they then focus the show on the relationship, and not on the initial intent of the show. Focusing on the relationship and not on the 'idea' makes for really boring television. If they could find a way to put characters together and not have the show stink up the place, I might consider it, but since I'm relatively certain there's not a chance in hell they'd do it right, I'm really hoping they never do. (Then, on SG-1 there's that whole 'chain of command' thing that's all in the way) --

So, do I hate McKay? Nope. Do I love him? Nope. Should he stay? Yeah sure, as long as he's useful, but when they stop coming up w/ reasons for him to be around - ship him off somewhere.

Don't kill him. There have been too many characters killed off this show, we don't need to kill off all the characters we don't like very much.

On a slightly different note, don't keep a character just b/c we love him. It is perfectly acceptable to kill off the good guys - (ie: Kawalski, Martouf) - not a popular decision, but just as valid as killing the bad guys -----
Let me put it this way, I don't hate him anymore. But whether I like him or despise him, I'm still glad that there are more reoccurring characters about.
well i thought their exchanges were funny!:rolly2:

i'll bet at liked being able to do comedy for once and getting the better lines instead of rda.

hope they don't kill him off too. i agree with highlander II there have been way too many characters kill off already. they need to leave some semblence of a cast for the movie..don't they???:rolleyes:
Actually i know of more than one shipper that's wanting to write a sam/mckay fic <G>

i think he's fun. now in 48 hours...he was a p****. but now....he's growing on me. he pushes sam, makes her think, makes her...well open her mind to other ideas.

and now she and he have reached an understanding. he got to see the way things really work at teh sgc....that sam's ideas often have a personal cost (in other words, she's working in the 'real' world....she makes a mistake, people die.....he on the other hand...he messes something up he just hits the reset button on his computer.)

i for one hope that he comes back. i like characters that stir things up. mckay is to sam what maybourne is to jack.....a bit of an opposite, a bit of a familiar...and someone that pushes each of them into a differing point of view
and here I just wanted to kick the guy off (you know, shove him into the Stargate just a little to early . . . ) I didn't intend to create a meaningful discussion regarding the growth of a possibly long-term character . . . :eek:

what am I going to do with all of you smart people? :blush:
Re: Re: Can we just go ahead and kill McKay?

Originally posted by Hatshepsut
The ideal solution, of course, would be to have McKay executed for the murder of Jonas Quinn...

And the 'It's better for you' line? The AT line after the kiss is really "Too bad for you." Which I saw as a dig at the people that call her a black widow.

At Gatecon last fall I thought AT metioned she's getting a bit of screentime addressing the black widow aspect of her character. They were possibily fimling parts of this ep when she made the comment... do you think they edited out more interactions between her and McKay on that issue?
i know she also made a comment about wanting sam to loosen up. AT herself is a very funny person...and she's always playing this serious character.
she wanted to lighten up and they did it...and i hope that it continues
Let's leave him around...I think Sam needs a little booty!!!
McKay isn't booty. He's barnacles. :dead:

But boot for Sam's o.k. with me . . . as long as it's someone else. :evil:
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