Roald Dahl


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Roald Dahl (1916-1991), is one of the world's most beloved children's authors. Not only did he create such memorable characters as 'Willy Wonka', 'Danny the Champion of the World', 'James and the Giant Peach', 'The Twits' and 'The BFG', but he also had a very successful career writing short stories for adults.

There is a full list here:

For his adult work, there is a list of his short stories here:

There was also an ITV Granada series 'Tales of the Unexpected', although I'm afarid that I always found the endings of his stories totally expected. OF THE UNEXPECTED
Wow! This brings back memories.

'BFG', 'Danny the Champion of the World' and 'James and the Giant Peach' I remember reading when I was a kid. Not so sure about the chocolate factory.

I wonder if Dahl's books are still read in school? It would be a shame if they weren't. Makes me think about another series I loved as a kid. The Danny Dunn series by Jay Williams and Raymond Abrashkin. This series may have been what started me on this whole SF thing.

Anyone else have any books they think may have started them out on SF?
Originally posted by greyhorse
I wonder if Dahl's books are still read in school? It would be a shame if they weren't.

Yes, my daughter read them all, and my son is just starting on them. That was the reason I started this thread.

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