Fave Culture Novel/ Story (Iain M Banks)

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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Fave Culture Novel/ Story.

I haven't read them all yet. But Use of Weapons is the best that I've read, I especially liked the twist at the end, which I hadn't completely guessed at.
Use of Weapons (that is the one with the chair on the front cover, isn't it?) is probably my favourite, but I will need to reacquaint myself with what happened in the others before I vote.

Back soon!
Of those I've read, "Excession", which was my first! Had me totally hooked. The others didn't make quite such an impression, though, from what I hear, I guess that may be 'cause I've not yet read "The Player of Games" and "Use of Weapons". Looking forward to it. "Feersum Endjinn" wasn't bad either.
Well, this thread still seems to have the wrong poll, and who's Leolas, anyway?
When threads with polls were migrated from AScifi to Chronicles all the polls got mixed up. Brian closed down all those threads but he must have missed this one. Leolas is a (mis-spelt) Legolas from Lord of the Rings. You can see where that poll came from. I'm going to close this thread now, but please start another if you wish with a correct poll.
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