So Where is everyone from?


Sovs Favorite Moderator
Sep 30, 2000
And who is your favorite Andromeda charactor...:)

Im in Sydney Australia and I have a huge huge crush on Dylan Hunt ...well ok on Kevin Sorbo rather than Dylan ...:)

Whats your's?
HI,... lurking in.. I'm in Toledo, OH...(actually Sylvania Oh.)

And of course A Dylan fan.. er Kevin Sorbo ...:D
I'm in Puerto Rico, in the caribbean. And I begin to see Andromeda because of the man himself Kevin Sorbo but I have to admit that I love Keith(Tyr) since the first time I see him. :blush: So I enjoy both of them from my female perspective but love the work of all the crew. Their really great actors and that make Andromeda so great. :D

Krystal :rain:
I'm in Indiana, but only started watching the show because it was a Roddenberry show. Then, when Tyr showed up, I was glued! lol

I couldn't have cared less whether or not Kevin was on the show, I'm just not a big fan of his, although I do enjoy his work. He's just not someone I go nutso over. I enjoyed Hercules, but I like this show MUCH more than that one. I wouldn't mind seeing his buddy, Michael Hurst, on the show more often, but NOT as that mindbent automaton he played...urk!

I'd like to see Michael play a MUCH stronger person. I enjoyed his performances more on the Herc series when he was confronting Herc (ok, as a bad guy, but still...). Basically, I enjoyed seeing him exert his *own* influence on the show. Otherwise, he just sits in Kevin's shadow way too much. And when Michael plays someone that strong, Kevin just shines that much more! All this is IMO, of *course.*

I know there are plenty of people who think that Kevin is the Creator made flesh! lol...or close enough. I leave the Kevin worship to you folks! :)

All this said... I *most* enjoy interactions on the show between ANYbody and Tyr. The fact that this role was written *for* Keith...that he wasn't actually a part of the crew beforehand just makes it all that much better. He really (REALLY) complements the crew in an awesome way, lending some reality in terms of internal strife, etc. And it's not like he's hard on the eyes, either! lol It's just that when people interact with Tyr, those moments sort of....glow? Maybe it's just me, but the characters really have to sort of "prove" themselves to Tyr repeatedly, prove how true they are to themselves!

Wow, I didn't think I had *this* much to say... hee hee... I'll stop now... (or risk turning into a Keith-worshiper)
Boston, MA, USA. TYR! TYR! TYR! The best episodes are the ones centered around Tyr. Like Beat of A Different Drum. (or something like that). I'm not just saying that because he's such a hunk! He shines when given opportunities to show more of himself than just muscle. I like Kevin's shows, but I don't think he's a very good actor. It's always his co-stars who make the shows he's in, like Michael Hurst, and the entire cast of Andromeda.
Kewl ....always good to read differing opinions.

I do want to add that if it werent for Andromeda I dont think I would have ever seen Keith.

I think he is a brillaint actor too, very charismatic and a huge on screen presence even when not speaking.

I also do think the chemistry of the entire crew is working out very well. I just think the show is great.
I'm from Corning, NY, USA and my favorite character is ....

Well that is a tough one because I like the overall interaction between the crew. To me that is what really makes the show. However if I had to decide I would probably say Trance. Why, well because of the mystery, for one thing. Even as we find out more about her the character is still mysterious.
Yep Trance is very well portrayed by Laura I love the mystery around her too ....I hope it lasts <BG>

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