The T.V Series Thundercats


Hero Of Time
Feb 19, 2002
Since a few of us have been talking abiout this in the "80's" thread, I thought that it MIGHT be a good idea to start a thread off for it so it can be discussed aswell
Thundercats was the coolest cartoon. Anyone remember the bad guy's name?
Fraid not, but I do remember that he hated the Thundercats for some strange reason
*g* LOL was it the Eye of Thundara his sword? Geez, how sad am I, I had that and the little... geez what was his name? Leon... Erm... whatever.... *g* I used to love TC as much as He-Man and She-Ra! :rolly2: Boy that brings back memories
The leader of the Thundercats is Lion-O he has the Sword of Omens the stone in the sword is called the Eye of Thundara.

Wilykat & Wilykit the twins
Jaga ("spiritual" leader of group)
hehehe i still remember the chant...


or something close to that effect :D
ahh arwen,
its thunder, thunder, thunder, thundercats hoooooo!

you were close :D
if anything it would most likely be put in the general anmation forum...
your welcome bay!

Originally posted by EmilyH
Perhaps this site could use a Thundercats mini-forum? :rolly2:

arwen is right it would be put in animation forum:D
I figured by putting in "General Discussions" first, it then would be up to the Moderators etc. to decide IF it gets moved, own mini forum etc. based on how well the thread's doing

I use to watch 'Thundercats' when ever it was on & even made my own Sword Of Omens with the Eye of Thundera in it, which actually was also their logo aswell
You could try but I reckon that you'd have to have plenty of threads in Animation Gen. first to prove you wanted to discuss it seriously.

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