New Sg-1 Pc Game

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New Member
Jun 25, 2002
To all the fans out there,

I'm Ryan Lee from Digi-rage. My team and I have been working on the new Stargate SG-1: The enemy within PC game. The game is powered by the Quake 3: Team Arena engine. I wont give away too much just yet, as we are still working on it. Check back here for more details and the website will be up soon.
I can do better than that, when the website is up, screenshots and in-game videos. I think you will be very impressed with what we have done.
A brief introduction...

The game is not based on any specific episodes that have been seen in the SG-1 series. We have tried very hard to create a compelling and realistic storyline, that fits nicely into the Stargate theme. Stargate SG-1: The Enemy Within will deal with Earths allies the Tok'ra, Asgard, and a suprise (which I wont reveal just yet as it is very important in the storyline). Also some regular enemies including the Replicators, and some new faces as well.

We have tried to modify the Quake 3 engine as best as we can to suit the game. For example we have added a new feature called In-game pre-load. This allows data for the next level to be pre-loaded while playing so loading time are shorter and at some points none at all. This fits nicely into the main feature "Real-time gating". As you step through the event horizon of the Stargate the game immediately goes to the cut scene of the wormhole travel featured in the film and some of the episodes, then cut scene stops and you immediately exit the stargate and begin the mission.

The team and I spent a very long time work on the effects for the stargate and making sure it looks as real as possible, and you will see that the model for the gate and DHD look unbelievably realistic. The Team Arena engine has allowed us to create impressive out-door scenes, that are also very large in size.

We also looked closely at weapons and there configurations. We worked hard getting the weapons as realistic as possible with correct models, recoil, and sounds. Weapons will have added features such as flashlights and laser sights.

If anyone has any questions please leave them here, and I will be happy to answer them.
and it sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

perhaps its a marketing ploy......... ? ;) wishful thinking, huh?
Or maybe he took a blurb from another game, like ST Voyager: Elite Force, and substitued in SG1 info?
Whether true or not - it's a good idea... I would play it (IF they made a mac version ;) )
Thought it was too good to be true - I know plenty of Game Engine coders from my original days of Quake .. yeah back then :) so I know how hard something like that can be.

I've counted about 20 mods people are "working on" but the only person to ever send me anything to look at was a Half Life Mod of the SGC with a working Gate. It's kinda cool, but not much to shoot at when you've blown all the computers up.

It's available from my site to download from the Half Life SG-1 section under the Community heading.

The guy who did that changed his email and I've never been able to track him down since. Permission was granted for me to post his work so far though.

Here are some pictures from a Half Life mod that is no more :(


Here are some more links I picked up off google.

Quake Engine - Suberb graphics but nothing in the way of downloads yet.

Half Life Engine which appears to have been stopped by MGM - fancy asking permission ;)

Duke Nukem - The most complete with an actual Beta Download.

Tribes 2 Conversion - Again nice screenshots but no real downloads yet ...

One thing for sure, whomever comes up with a Stargate SG-1 game that's any good is onto a winner !

If I were the Mod Designers I'd badge it as something else but base it on the Stargate Universe. That way the PTB can't be as mean :)
Doing a little internet detective work I found a link to a complete beta Stargate Game for Half Life .....

To protect the innocent, and to keep the site online :) PM if you are interested.
You really jumped on that one Sphinx!

Some great links there - I will look into them a bit more later & the screen cap is lovely.
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