Buffy & Auf Wiedersehen Pet Stars are NOT New Doctor Who


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Buffy Star is not New Doctor Who

The London based radio news station ITN News Direct has been reporting that TV bosses are about to revive 'Dr. Who' to coincide with the 40th Anniversary of the TV series next year in 2003. They say that TPTB have refused to comment on who the new Doctor might be, but claim that it is rumoured to be the 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' star Anthony Stewart Head. News Direct are playing this report every hour in their entertainment news slot.

After about an hours search on the web, I found this at http://www.gallifreyone.com/ :

The rumors are flying... but as usual, media reports have gotten ahead of the truth. Following the interview in the recent Dreamwatch Magazine with David Fury ("Buffy, The Vampire Slayer"), as we reported a few days ago, several online news sources (such as the usually wildly inaccurate Ananova, plus Peoplenews and other sources) are now reporting that Anthony Stewart Head (Giles in "Buffy" and recently a guest star in the Big Finish Doctor Who "Excelis" trilogy) will be a new Doctor in a new series produced next year. Even the Daily Express paper has picked it up (as an 'exclusive')... But it's not true. Producer Dan Freedman ("Death Comes to Time") did visit the Buffy producers, and there was a bit of talk about procedure... but nothing came of it and Freedman has moved to other projects. A quote by Tony Head in the Dreamwatch interview was taken out of context by these news 'sources'. Meanwhile, we continue to get tons of email this morning about it (it's not true, folks) and the official BBC website BBCi even issued a statement about it this morning: "Whilst the Cult team quite like the idea of Tony Head as the Doctor in a show guided by members of America's finest fantasy production team, the BBC aren't currently making any such plans."

(Thanks to BBCi and everyone who's written in!)

Anthony Stewart Head plays Giles in 'Buffy'. Anthony Stewart Head previously guested in the first part of the 'Death Comes to Time' drama, "Valentine's Day", broadcast on Valentine's Day, as well as an appearance starring as a ruthless immortal in Big Finish's three hour 'Excelis' epic.

No one is denying that a new series is being produced though, so that's promising at least.
Just to prove how these internet rumours can fly around, it is now being reported at Dark Horizons

Doctor Who (TV): People News reports that Anthony Head (Giles on TV's "Buffy") is reported to be the favourite choice to play the Time Lord in a new series to start on the BBC next year. Head was previously considered for the 1995 TV movie which went to Paul McGann eventually, however Head's exposure in the US and internationally on "Buffy" has given him an edge over other candidates for the new show. In fact "Buffy" writer David Fury has also been brought in to become part of the production: "They want to do what we do on Buffy - produce 22 episodes a year and sell them internationally. I'm helping to take Doctor Who into a whole new universe".

but this is the full BBCi report http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/doctorwho/news/02070201.shtml

Head not heading for Who

Following the usual media frenzy regarding this weekend's rumours of new Doctor Who, we'd just like to clarify a few things.

Dreamwatch magazine, Ananova and the Daily Express are all reporting that we're making plans to involve actor Tony Head and members of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer production team in a new 22 part series to celebrate the Time Lord's 40th anniversary.

Dreamwatch quotes Buffy producer David Fury as saying: "They want to do what we do on Buffy, produce 22 episodes a year and sell them internationally. I'm helping to take Doctor Who into a new universe."

Whilst the Cult team quite like the idea of Tony Head as the Doctor in a show guided by members of America's finest fantasy production team, the BBC aren't currently making any such plans.
[BBCi: Whilst the Cult team quite like the idea of Tony Head as the Doctor in a show guided by members of America's finest fantasy production team, the BBC aren't currently making any such plans.]

Well, blast it, I barely had time to enjoy that rumor, before it was debunked.

As the quote above indicates, it's the perfect combination of factors - the story, the actor and the imagination/inspiration of the production company. But that's the kind of great idea, that even if it isn't so, people should be moving Heaven and Earth to make it so!

Since FOX seems to be re-writing "Firefly", Joss Whedon's current project, to make their network executives happy, Joss should assign someone to that and let FOX muck it up. He should then fly to England and camp on the BBC doorstep until they're ready to make a deal. I'm sure there's a bunch of fans of both shows, Buffy & Dr. Who, who would be glad to keep him company. They may even bring some protest signs and petitions of support.
Latest Dr. Who rumour...

Auf Wiedersehen Doctor

Timothy Spall is the Doctor, erm not.
News that the Auf Wiedersehen Pet star was about to step aboard the TARDIS spread like wildfire after it was leaked by the gossip email newsletter Popbitch.

Said the report, "I suppose you all know that Tim Spall is in final talks to be the new Doctor Who [in the] new TV movie scheduled for 8.00pm, BBC 1 on 23rd November 2003. Script ready-ish, pre-prod designs done, Elstree booked out for July 03, CGI being farmed, but production in-house."

Unfortunately it’s all just another rumour. We’ve checked with all the high-ups and they’ve confirmed it’s bunkum. The oft-mentioned rights problems are still cited as the reason for the non-materialisation of the good Doctor.

Those eager to see Spall in a lead role can catch him in Mike Leigh’s latest, All or Nothing, released today.

I'd like to see Timothy Spall as Dr. Who. I think he would make an excellent Dr. Who. Anthony Stewart Head would have done too. Alas, they are all just rumours!
ASH would have been great!

But, is it just me, or is it interesting that there are all these denials, as if the casting people are leaking the stories just to test out fan reaction before actually inking a contract?
I think its actually an Internet phenomenon. People, either for their own reasons or simple misunderstanding, start rumors and they are spread around the world at the speed of light.

In the months before Buffy premiered there were at least three false guest-star rumors inserted into The Internet Movie Database {imdb.com} by fans. Britany Spears, Luke Perry and Tim Curry were all broadcast as appearing this season.

There's an old saying that "a rumor gets half-way around the world, before the truth gets started". In the Internet-age, I think that rumors get a much bigger head-start.

I have seen at least one comedian do a routine about how people will believe almost anything they read on the Internet.

I repeated the ASH rumor myself, but I did list my source for it and mentioned that I couldn't find any other confirmation. Within hours I found out that it was a red herring.

Too bad, because I really wanted that one to be true. ASH would make a perfect Timelord.
The ASH rumour is such an attractive one.
It worries me that people assume things they read on the net are true. I have this thing (history student!) where I don't believe something unless I know who, when, where, why how etc. But I like passing rumours on, it's nice to get other people's perspectives on crazy casting rumours and the like. I always get a good laugh out of the hysteria that is created when some totally out of the blue rumour does the rounds.

As for a new Doctor Who, I think Peter Hannah might be quite good too - he's the fella who is Rachel Weisz's bro in the Mummu movies - and lots of British telly too.
Another rumour quashed?

I just read the same rumour (that Dr Who will be back) again -- are they recycling this every few months?

from Hailing Frequencies #197

If you've been hearing rumors of a return of Dr. Who in some big-budget movie, sorry, but it's not true -- at least not yet. Jane Tranter, the Head of Drama for the BBC, mentioned in a recent interview what she'd really like to do a modern-day Dr. Who with "someone like" Judi Dench, while and article in the Sunday Mirror stated that Mark Gatiss would star in a new movie as the good doctor. DarkHorizons joined in with news from "Joe" that production was underway. According to the BBC's own Website, none of this is true.

I've looked on the BBC website and can't find any denial, older rumours at Dark Horizons are almost impossible to find, and I don't read the Sunday Mirror, so I can't confirm or deny this one.

It could be an April fools joke. The same website has a headline that Kirk will return in the next Star Trek film today.
Re: Another rumour quashed?

[Originally posted by Dave: I just read the same rumour (that Dr Who will be back) again -- are they recycling this every few months?]

I remember a comedy show where someone posted something on the Internet by mistake and a friend was saying:

"Get that back! Take it out!"

And the first friend replied, "Taking something off the Internet is like trying to take pee out of the pool. It can't be done."

I think that pretty much sums it up.

[Originally posted by Tabitha: As for a new Doctor Who, I think Peter Hannah might be quite good too - he's the fella who is Rachel Weisz's bro in the Mummu movies - and lots of British telly too.]

He might be a good one, although I haven't seen much of his work.

'Course you know - - -

Anthony Stewart Head will be ending his run on Buffy. And Joss Whedon will only have one show on TV next season, assuming that Angel is renewed, which hasn't happened yet.

- - - ummm, excuse me, I have to run off and re-start that ASH/Mutant Enemy/Dr. Who rumor.
I noticed from your quote that I wrote "Mummu", of course I meant "The Mummy", d'oh.

I have been enjoying Head's appearances in Buffy season 7, and I really do think he would make an interesting Doctor. If only your potential rumour-mongering paid off in reality ;)
Just to note that that rumour about Timothy Spall could have come as a result of Mickey (Noel Clarke), who was actually in 'Auf Weidersehen Pet'. Mickey didn't seem to be that big a character in the first episode, but he has grown as the series continued, and no doubt he will appear again.
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