Whats you favourite?

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I guess if there was such a thing as a Danielholic club we'd be the presidents, Pam LOL. :D :D
Yeah maybe we should start one then we could ask everyone there what their fave was in the hat line..LOL ;)
Nah I guess not..I think its cute but the bandana is sooo much better!!! ;)
JAY! :p
Uh-oh, having serious drooling problems here...where can I get that drool bucket again? :D :p
Summer you and your drool buckets..LOL

I have one left here...its yours if you want it!;)
Well naughty old me just couldn't resist. I say none of the above. How about a brown paper bag over his head?

<ducks flying objects and drool buckets!!!>

:evil: :D
LOL...well, I for one wouldn't even mind...we'd still have his body and *that* biceps...hey, it's 09:28 hours, I'm allowed to be a bit shallow...(and in case you wonder, that's pretty early for a student...lol) :D ;) :D
Originally posted by summershake
JAY! :p
Uh-oh, having serious drooling problems here...where can I get that drool bucket again? :D :p

frist door on your right should be the closet .. i think we still have some in there ... ppl keep on forgetting that they have to wash them and return them afterwards ..... if you look in the frist door on your left ...thats the dirty ones .... i think i'm gonna sneek in the jack froum soon and sawp the buckets... they have more buget for those things since they don't use that manny
Originally posted by carter

i think i'm gonna sneek in the jack froum soon and sawp the buckets... they have more buget for those things since they don't use that manny

LOL...I think I will pop over there there and see how many I can get! :D
I voted both the hat and the bandanna. The hat makes him look so little boyish, it's cute. Of course he looks good wearing anything and not wearing anything.;)
Originally posted by Bee
I voted both the hat and the bandanna. The hat makes him look so little boyish, it's cute. Of course he looks good wearing anything and not wearing anything.;)

LOL you said it and I agree!
I was just talking about this the other day, i was just saying how much in love with the bandana i am, swoon, he is so gorgeous in it, so i totally voted the bandana :D

x x x
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