What would you like to see become a cartoon?


Stomping Turnips
Jun 6, 2001
Inspired by Tabitha's "Up and Coming" Animation thread, I've decided to ask the question:

What tv show/film would you like to become a cartoon and why? :cool:
Have to be the 'Star Wars' trilogy for me as it would simply be so interesting to see
I have been meaning to post in this thread for ages and ages. There are many films and tv shows that could be great in this genre.
Could you imagine The X Files as an after-the-watershed animated program? I could, I think it would be great! I don't know why, but this came to mind when I thought about the probable cancellation after DD's departure. I imagine it with a grainy and dark style, moody and atmostpheric - what do you think?
Originally posted by Tabitha
Could you imagine The X Files as an after-the-watershed animated program? I could, I think it would be great! I don't know why, but this came to mind when I thought about the probable cancellation after DD's departure. I imagine it with a grainy and dark style, moody and atmostpheric - what do you think?

Oooo I like that idea Tabitha!! All dark and sort of gothic like the batman cartoons. :cool:

Who about Indianna Jones?
Action, adverture! It could even be slightly educational, teaching us about archeology and history! :cool:
Originally posted by Bayleaf48
Or maybe even 'Star Trek'?
Already was a cartoon (based on The Original Series) - have a look at www.imdb.com , I think the original actors supplied the voices and everything. It was pretty good.

I like the idea of Indiana Jones though - that could definitely be cool - there was a comic book run based on Indiana Jones when i was little - it was fairly enjoyable too, and proved that there was lots more room for other adventures.
Okay Tabitha, didn't know that it's already 1, sorry

How about 'Harry Potter' even?
